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Update Linux Docker container builds
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Signed-off-by: Chris Yan <[email protected]>
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CyanDevs committed Oct 25, 2021
1 parent 228d7c1 commit 3f4459f
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Showing 2 changed files with 74 additions and 50 deletions.
113 changes: 73 additions & 40 deletions .jenkins/infrastructure/docker/build_linux_docker_images.Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,61 +1,94 @@
// Copyright (c) Open Enclave SDK contributors.
// Licensed under the MIT License.

oe = library("OpenEnclaveCommon@${OECI_LIB_VERSION}")
library "OpenEnclaveJenkinsLibrary@${params.OECI_LIB_VERSION}"


INTERNAL_REPO_CREDS = params.INTERNAL_REPO_CREDS ?: "oejenkinscidockerregistry"
DOCKERHUB_REPO_CREDS = params.DOCKERHUB_REPO_CREDS ?: "oeciteamdockerhub"
LINUX_DOCKERFILE = ".jenkins/infrastructure/docker/dockerfiles/linux/Dockerfile"

def buildLinuxDockerContainers() {
stage("Checkout") {
pipeline {
agent {
label globalvars.AGENTS_LABELS["ubuntu-nonsgx"]
options {
timeout(time: 240, unit: 'MINUTES')
parameters {
string(name: "REPOSITORY_NAME", defaultValue: "openenclave/openenclave", description: "GitHub repository to checkout")
string(name: "BRANCH_NAME", defaultValue: "master", description: "The branch used to checkout the repository")
string(name: "DOCKER_TAG", defaultValue: "standalone-linux-build", description: "The tag for the new Docker images")
string(name: "INTERNAL_REPO", defaultValue: "", description: "Url for internal Docker repository")
string(name: "OECI_LIB_VERSION", defaultValue: 'master', description: 'Version of OE Libraries to use')
booleanParam(name: "PUBLISH_DOCKER_HUB", defaultValue: false, description: "Publish container to OECITeam Docker Hub?")
booleanParam(name: "TAG_LATEST", defaultValue: false, description: "Update the latest tag to the currently built DOCKER_TAG")
environment {
INTERNAL_REPO_CREDS = 'oejenkinscidockerregistry'
DOCKERHUB_REPO_CREDS = 'oeciteamdockerhub'
LINUX_DOCKERFILE = ".jenkins/infrastructure/docker/dockerfiles/linux/Dockerfile"
stages {
stage("Checkout") {
steps {
checkout scm
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: BRANCH_NAME]],
extensions: [],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${params.REPOSITORY_NAME}"]]])
String buildArgs = oe.dockerBuildArgs("UID=\$(id -u)", "UNAME=\$(id -un)",
"GID=\$(id -g)", "GNAME=\$(id -gn)")
parallel "Build Ubuntu 18.04 Docker Image": {
stage("Build") {
parallel {
stage("Build Ubuntu 18.04 Docker Image") {
oe1804 = oe.dockerImage("oetools-18.04:${DOCKER_TAG}", LINUX_DOCKERFILE, "${buildArgs} --build-arg ubuntu_version=18.04 --build-arg devkits_uri=${DEVKITS_URI}")
puboe1804 = oe.dockerImage("oeciteam/oetools-18.04:${DOCKER_TAG}", LINUX_DOCKERFILE, "${buildArgs} --build-arg ubuntu_version=18.04 --build-arg devkits_uri=${DEVKITS_URI}")
steps {
script {
docker.withRegistry(params.INTERNAL_REPO, env.INTERNAL_REPO_CREDS) {
buildArgs = common.dockerBuildArgs("UID=\$(id -u)", "UNAME=\$(id -un)",
"GID=\$(id -g)", "GNAME=\$(id -gn)")
oe1804 = common.dockerImage("oetools-18.04:${params.DOCKER_TAG}", env.LINUX_DOCKERFILE, "${buildArgs} --build-arg ubuntu_version=18.04")
puboe1804 = common.dockerImage("oeciteam/oetools-18.04:${params.DOCKER_TAG}", env.LINUX_DOCKERFILE, "${buildArgs} --build-arg ubuntu_version=18.04")
}, "Build Ubuntu 20.04 Docker Image": {
stage("Build Ubuntu 20.04 Docker Image") {
oe2004 = oe.dockerImage("oetools-20.04:${DOCKER_TAG}",LINUX_DOCKERFILE, "${buildArgs} --build-arg ubuntu_version=20.04 --build-arg devkits_uri=${DEVKITS_URI}")
puboe2004 = oe.dockerImage("oeciteam/oetools-20.04:${DOCKER_TAG}", LINUX_DOCKERFILE, "${buildArgs} --build-arg ubuntu_version=20.04 --build-arg devkits_uri=${DEVKITS_URI}")
steps {
script {
buildArgs = common.dockerBuildArgs("UID=\$(id -u)", "UNAME=\$(id -un)",
"GID=\$(id -g)", "GNAME=\$(id -gn)")
oe2004 = common.dockerImage("oetools-20.04:${params.DOCKER_TAG}", env.LINUX_DOCKERFILE, "${buildArgs} --build-arg ubuntu_version=20.04")
puboe2004 = common.dockerImage("oeciteam/oetools-20.04:${params.DOCKER_TAG}", env.LINUX_DOCKERFILE, "${buildArgs} --build-arg ubuntu_version=20.04")
stage("Push to OE Docker Registry") {
oe.exec_with_retry { oe1804.push() }
oe.exec_with_retry { oe2004.push() }
if(TAG_LATEST == "true") {
oe.exec_with_retry { oe1804.push('latest') }
oe.exec_with_retry { oe2004.push('latest') }
stage("Push to OE Docker Registry") {
steps {
script {
docker.withRegistry(params.INTERNAL_REPO, env.INTERNAL_REPO_CREDS) {
common.exec_with_retry { oe1804.push() }
common.exec_with_retry { oe2004.push() }
if(params.TAG_LATEST == "true") {
common.exec_with_retry { oe1804.push('latest') }
common.exec_with_retry { oe2004.push('latest') }
stage("Push to OE Docker Hub Registry") {
docker.withRegistry('', DOCKERHUB_REPO_CREDS) {
if(PUBLISH_DOCKER_HUB == "true") {
oe.exec_with_retry { puboe1804.push() }
oe.exec_with_retry { puboe2004.push() }
if(TAG_LATEST == "true") {
oe.exec_with_retry { puboe1804.push('latest') }
oe.exec_with_retry { puboe2004.push('latest') }
stage("Push to OE Docker Hub Registry") {
steps {
script {
docker.withRegistry('', env.DOCKERHUB_REPO_CREDS) {
if(params.PUBLISH_DOCKER_HUB == "true") {
common.exec_with_retry { puboe1804.push() }
common.exec_with_retry { puboe2004.push() }
if(params.TAG_LATEST == "true") {
common.exec_with_retry { puboe1804.push('latest') }
common.exec_with_retry { puboe2004.push('latest') }

11 changes: 1 addition & 10 deletions .jenkins/infrastructure/docker/dockerfiles/linux/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,13 +11,12 @@
# Once installed, build a docker image from .jenkins folder and
# it will use this Dockerfile by default:
# openenclave$ sudo docker build --no-cache=true --build-arg ubuntu_version=<ubuntu_version> --build-arg devkits_uri=<devkits_uri> -t oetools-<ubuntu_version>:<version> -f .jenkins/Dockerfile.full .
# openenclave$ sudo docker build --no-cache=true --build-arg ubuntu_version=<ubuntu_version> -t oetools-<ubuntu_version>:<version> -f .jenkins/Dockerfile.full .
# For example, for version 1.x with Ubuntu 18.04 :
# openenclave$ sudo docker build \
# --no-cache=true \
# --build-arg ubuntu_version=18.04 \
# --build-arg devkits_uri= \
# -t oetools-18.04:1.x \
# -f .jenkins/infrastructure/docker/dockerfiles/linux/Dockerfile \
# .
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,10 +57,6 @@ ARG GNAME=jenkins
ARG UID=1000
ARG GID=1000

ARG devkits_uri
# Check to make sure devkits_uri is defined as build arg
RUN test ! -z ${devkits_uri+x}

# Install essential packages
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get -y --no-install-recommends upgrade && \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,9 +100,5 @@ RUN groupadd --gid ${GID} ${GNAME}
RUN useradd --create-home --uid ${UID} --gid ${GID} --shell /bin/bash ${UNAME}
RUN echo "${UNAME} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

# Setup devkit
RUN curl ${devkits_uri} | tar xvz --no-same-permissions --no-same-owner
RUN echo ${devkits_uri##*/} > /devkits/TARBALL

# Set up out-of-proc attestation

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