Boneh–Lynn–Shacham multi-party threshold signatures
This is a simple framework to run MPC tests. It uses UDP discovery to find other nodes, based on the project:
It also uses to provide a simplistic stateful CLI
Everything is "under construction" atm, but it should work.
The simplest way to test it is to use a cli for generating Shamir Secret Shares of an BN256 BLS signatures using, or use the 2-out-of-3 sample keyshare files included.
(for importing your custom files in docker, you probably want to run the containers mapping the current directory, something like:
"docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data udpsigner",
and inside the docker import from "/data/yourkeysharefile.json")
Use docker to build the image.
docker build -t udpsigner .
Then run a few instances of the udpsigner in separate docker containers with the command.
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data udpsigner
They should discover one-another automatically.
To start one of the instances with the RPC service enabled pass the ENV variables in the docker run:
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data --env withHttp=true --env httpPort=8100 -p 8100:8100 udpsigner
RPC service should be available in: http://localhost:8100/
For experimenting with templates use the following command for the main node
docker run -it --env withHttp=true --env httpPort=8100 -p 8100:8100 -v $(pwd)/templates:/src/ udpsigner
Generate some SSS key shares using secretsplitcli, with any number of shares and threshold (within reason ;) ). Then import respective keyfiles with shares into different nodes and issue a "job request" from ine of the nodes. The other nodes can then "aprove" the job request (and contribute to the MPC), or reject it. If enough nodes agree to collaborate, a valid signature (or a vaild Public Key) will be generated.
As of beginnig of March 2021, there is only a couple of MPC algorithms: to calculate a BLS public key and a BLS message signature based on the (threshold) key shares owned by the nodes.
Getting the code:
git clone
git clone
Explicit dependencies:
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get