Version 2.0.14
What's Changed
- TypeScript: Fix DeviceHelper on result type from any to DetectResult by @AwaludinAR in #143
- Detect new brands: Kinstone, ROiK and Detect device for exist brands: Samsung, Huawai, DEXP, TCL, Xiaomi by @sanchezzzhak in #144
- Detect new brand HIPER and Detect devices for exits brands: Samsung, Xiaomi, BBK, SUNWIND, Stylo, Teclast by @sanchezzzhak in #145
- Detect new brands: XY Auto, ANXONIT, Ctroniq, GOODTEL, HAOQIN, Punos, RedLine, Samtron, TopDevice, VIIPOO, Vityaz and Detect devices for exist brands by @sanchezzzhak in #146
- Reduced index file size and Improves detection for iOS and macOS by @sanchezzzhak in #147
- Detect new brands: ASSE, Kraft, Linsay, NeuTab, Zoom, Inhon, RuggeTech, SKK Mobile, Advantage Air, Motiv, OneLern, Ober, Oking, Olkya and Detect devices for exist brands by @sanchezzzhak in #148
Full Changelog: 2.0.13...2.0.14