Lux Optics
- San Francisco, CA
- http://www.sandofsky.com
sandofsky / twui
Forked from twitter-archive/twuiCore Animation based UI framework for Mac
A UI framework for Mac based on Core Animation
sandofsky / code_swarm
Forked from rictic/code_swarmA (fork of a) slick visualization for your source code
gd2-ffi is ruby bindings for gd2, implemented with ffi
A utility that takes snapshots of a movie at short intervals and stiches them into an image.
A Rails plugin that delivers a special message to DiggBar users, or runs frame-killer javascript.
Typhoeus wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests.
A fork of Jan's CouchDBX - A Mac OS X wrapper for CouchDB - Experimenting with new features and UI.
🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
Rails authentication with email & password.
Web Application Framework in JavaScript and Objective-J
A (fork of a) slick visualization for your source code
A super-clean IRC bot with sandboxed Ruby evaluation, repository watching, and link-logging to del.icio.us
A set of Ruby benchmarks for testing Ruby implementations.
SPROUTCORE HAS MOVED! http://github.com/sproutcore/sproutcore
JavaScript and CSS Asset Compression for Production Rails Apps