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Santhosh Kumar Tekuri edited this page Mar 18, 2015 · 1 revision

Pumping means reading from given input and writing to specified output;

IOUtil: provides various utility method for pumping streams;

let us say you want to read some File as String. You can do:


StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
IOUtil.pump(new FileReader(file), writer, true, true);
String content = writer.toString();

let us see arguments for pump(...) method:

argument 1 = input
argument 2 = output
argument 3 = boolean that specifies whether input should be closed
argument 4 = boolean that specifies whether output should be closed

pump(input, output, closeIn, closeOut)

To simplify code, pump(...) method returns output; So the above code could be written in single line as follows:

String content = IOUtil.pump(new FileReader(file), writer, true, true).toString();

if output is not specified, it defaults to StringWriter. so the same code can be written as:

String content = IOUtil.pump(new FileReader(file), true).toString(); // second arg is closeIn

similar versions of pump(...) methods are available for byte-streams also;

Let us see how these methods simplify some code;

to copy file:

IOUtil.pump(new FileInputStream(fromFile), new FileOutputStream(toFile), true, true);

to create zip file:

ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile));
for(File file: files){
zipOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(file.getName());
IOUtil.pump(new FileInputStream(file), zipOut, true, false); // note that last arg is false

to create file with given string:

String content = ...
IOUtil.pump(new StringReader(content), new FileWriter(file), true, true);

to read a file content into byte array:

byte bytes[] = IOUtil.pump(new FileInputStream(file), true).toByteArray(); // output defaults to ByteArrayOutputStream



Let us say we have an object of type Company:

Company company = ...;

Now you would like to clone company object. but assume that Company doesn't implement Cloneable interface but implements Serializable.

Now you can do cloning using serialization as follows:

ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(bout);

ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray()); // bottle-neck
ObjectInputStream objIn = new ObjectInputStream(bin);
Company copyOfCompany = (Company)objIn.readObject();

In above code see the line commented bottle-neck:

ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray());

let us say bout contains 1024 bytes i.e, one MB. the statement bout.toByteArray() returns a cloned array,
rather than returning the orignal array; So it needs one more MB of free memory in heap;

To avoid this you can use


Bytes bytes = new Bytes();

ObjectOutputStream objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(bytes.out());

ObjectInputStream objIn = new ObjectInputStream(;
Company copyOfCompany = (Company)objIn.readObject();

Bytes can be treated as a buffer of bytes, which can be written/read using Bytes.out()/
It reuses the same byte array for both output and input;


PumpedInputStream and PumpedReader:

You can use PipedInputStream and PipedOutputStream in above example, so that you can write and read concurrently using fixed byte buffer.

final Company company = new Company();
PipedInputStream pipedIn = new PipedInputStream();
final PipedOutputStream pipedOut = new PipedOutputStream(pipedIn);
final IOException ioEx[] = { null };
new Thread(){
public void run(){
ObjectOutputStream objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(pipedOut);
}catch(IOException ex){
ioEx[0] = ex;
ObjectInputStream objIn = new ObjectInputStream(pipedIn);
Company copyOfCompany = (Company)objIn.readObject();
throw ioEx[0];

In JLibs, you can use PumpedInputStream:


final Company company = new Company();
PumpedInputStream in = new PumpedInputStream(){
protected void pump(PipedOutputStream out) throws Exception{
ObjectOutputStream objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(out);
}.start(); // start() will spawn new thread

ObjectInputStream objIn = new ObjectInputStream(in);
Company copyOfCompany = (Company)objIn.readObject();
objIn.close(); // any exceptions occurred in pump(...) are thrown by close()

PumpedInputStream is an abstract class with following abstract method:

protected abstract void pump(PipedOutputStream out) throws Exception;

This method implementation should write data into out which is passed as argument and close it;

Any exceptions thrown by pump(...) are wrapped in IOException and rethrown by PumpedInputStream.close();

PumpedInputStream implements Runnable which is supposed to be run in thread. You can use PumpedInputStream.start() method to start thread or spawn thread implicitly.
start() method returns self reference;

    public PumpedInputStream start();

I like to used PumpedInputStream rather than PipedInputStream/PipedOutputStream/Thread because:

  • it doesn't clutter the exising flow of code
  • exception handling is better;


There is also for charater-streams.

your comments are welcomed;

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