Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud. It is generally considered to be easy-to-use. But it’s most beneficial to businesses in specific situations. Heroku has a free service model for small projects, but tiered service packages exist for cases where more complex business needs must be addressed.
In this Repo I implemented Prediction of salary using Linear Regression and deployed to Heroku.
To Review the Implemented Deployment Please visit ilanderproject
NOTE : To generate requirements .txt , go to path in command prompt or Terminal and type pipreqs
Add These in your requirements.txt as these ensure proper deployment in Heroku cloud.
A Procfile is a list of process types in an app.
web: gunicorn app:app
The first app represents the name of the python file that runs your application or the name of the module it is in. The second app represents your app name.
In My repo My python name is app.py and application name is app.
Upload These Files in Git Repo
Give a name to your app and create
- Make Sure Port is set to 5000 or any valid port value.
- If you have Images in your html page , they should be in static folder.
Please Refer the Structure
A Link Will be Generated after sucessful Deployment like this ilanderproject
Hope you found it insightful. I would love to hear feedback from you to improvise it and make it better!