ClickHouse database driver to connect with Elixir application by HTTP interface.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding clickhousex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:clickhousex, "~> 0.5.0"}
Call start_link()/1 function and pass connection options:
Clickhousex.start_link([scheme: :http, hostname: "localhost", port: 8123, database: "default", username: "user", password: "654321"])
Options expects a keyword list with zero or more of:
* `scheme` - Scheme (:http | :https). Default value: :http
* `hostname` - The server hostname. Default value: "localhost"
* `database` - Database name. Default value: "default"
* `port` - The server port number. Default value: 8123
* `username` - Username. Default value: nil
* `password` - User's password. Default value: nil
iex(1)> {:ok, pid} = Clickhousex.start_link([scheme: :http, hostname: "localhost", port: 8123, database: "system"])
{:ok, #PID<0.195.0>}
iex(2)> Clickhousex.query(pid, "SHOW TABLES", [])
{:ok, %Clickhousex.Query{columns: nil, name: "", statement: "SHOW TABLES"},
%Clickhousex.Result{columns: ["name"], command: :selected, num_rows: 23,
rows: [["asynchronous_metrics"], ["build_options"], ["clusters"], ["columns"],
["databases"], ["dictionaries"], ["events"], ["functions"],
["graphite_retentions"], ["merges"], ["metrics"], ["models"], ["numbers"],
["numbers_mt"], ["one"], ["parts"], ["parts_columns"], ["processes"],
["replicas"], ["replication_queue"], ["settings"], ["tables"],
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