Place Order by rest API
- in production please use the
- Unzip the zip file in
- Enable the module by running
php bin/magento module:enable Gaggle_PaypalApi
- Apply database updates by running
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Flush the cache by running
php bin/magento cache:flush
API Endpoint
- POST - Gaggle\PaypalApi\Api\CreatePaypalExpressTokenManagementInterface > Gaggle\PaypalApi\Model\CreatePaypalExpressTokenManagement
API Endpoint
- POST - Gaggle\PaypalApi\Api\SetPaymentMethodOnCartManagementInterface > Gaggle\PaypalApi\Model\SetPaymentMethodOnCartManagement
API Endpoint
- POST - Gaggle\PaypalApi\Api\PlaceOrderManagementInterface > Gaggle\PaypalApi\Model\PlaceOrderManagement
For the Place order by the Paypal rest api you need a active cart with shipping and billing address
By default we need to follow the few setups for placing the order
• Step 1. Create an empty cart
• Step 2. Add products to the cart
• Step 3. Set the shipping address
• Step 4. Set billing address
• Step 5. Set the delivery method
• Step 6. Apply a coupon (if you have)
• Step 7. Set the payment method
• Step 8. Place order
After steps 6 follow below APIs
We need to call below APIs one by one for placing the order with Paypal
URL : {you website url}/rest/default/V1/paypalapi/createpaypalexpresstoken
Method : POST
Set Bearer Token in the Hearer (if customer ) for guest user no need to set it
Content-type : JSON
Body For guest user :
Body :
{ "cart_id":"5QWFYZdyccucvgD2QMLDCp5fhjmaH2xg", "cancel_url":"cancel_url", "return_url":"return_url" }
Body For Customer user:
Body :
{ "cart_id": 22, "cancel_url": "cancel_url", "return_url": "return_url" }
- You wil get the response like this :
[ { "code": 200, "token": "EC-4MD50688YD296870K", "paypal_urls": { "start": "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=EC-4MD50688YD296870K&useraction=commit", "edit": "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&useraction=continue&token=EC-4MD50688YD296870K" } } ]
- Explanation – you need to redirect the customer to the {start url } and after make the payment, paypal will redirect the user with two params in the redirect url "payer_id" and "token" Both value you need to call in the below api
URL : {you website url}/rest/default/V1/paypalapi/setpaymentmethodoncart
Method : POST
Set Bearer Token in the Hearer (if customer ) for guest user no need to set it
Content-type : JSON
Body For guest user :
Body :
{ "cart_id": "5QWFYZdyccucvgD2QMLDCp5fhjmaH2xg", "payer_id": "9T3GV67ZSL378", "token": "EC-4MD50688YD296870K", "payment_method": "paypal_express" }
Body For Customer user:
Body :
{ "cart_id": 22, "payer_id": "9T3GV67ZSL378", "token": "EC-4MD50688YD296870K", "payment_method": "paypal_express", "customer_id": 141 }
- You will get the response like this :
[ { "code": 200, "selected_payment_method": { "code": "paypal_express", "title": "PayPal Express Checkout" } } ]
URL : {you website url}/rest/default/V1/paypalapi/placeorder
Method : POST
Set Bearer Token in the Hearer (if customer ) for guest user no need to set it
Content-type : JSON
Body For guest user :
Body :
{ "cart_id": "5QWFYZdyccucvgD2QMLDCp5fhjmaH2xg" }
Body For Customer user:
Body :
{ "cart_id": 22, "customer_id": 141 }
- You will get the response like this :
[ { "code": 200, "order_number": 000000142 } ]