WhatTheVox! is cinema management system that is developed using Java. It mainly focuses on dealing with users, managing cinema halls and printing movie tickets. This project handles multi-layered access levels (Admin/User).
a. JavaFX.
b. MYSQL Database.
d. JasperReports.
e. SceneBuilder.
f. Intellij IDEA.
Admins have full control over everything in the system where they have access the Dashboard.
Every admin has a login ID and password (which are passed to an authentication system).
Users are the actual customers where they have the second authority in the system.
In order for the user to have full access to the features, they must be logged in.
Every user has an email, password (which are passed to an authentication system).
- User Authentication.
- View/Book Movies
Pre-order food.
View movie details.
Click on the image for high quality