Inspired by CWH's Web Development Project, using HTML, CSS and JS to make a clone of the website
Version: 1.0.0
The songs are actually stored inside the songs folder, which in turn stores playlists. To implement it on your own, clone this website, and use "localhost:3000" or "". Then, you can add/remove folders inside the songs folder. The folders are automatically used as playlists inside the program.
This includes:
- showing Available Playlists
- showing Songs inside Available Playlists
- Volume Control Bar, with a Mute/UnMute Option
- Current Time and Total Time of the Song
- Seek Bar, Play/Pause, Previous Song, Next Song Buttons
- Showing which song is being played, under what playlist
Upcoming Features can include:
- Making the website responsive
- Shuffling of Playlists implementing Math.random() Function in JS
- Use of loop-song, play-once or play-playlist
- Use of an actual Database to store songs instead of the indexed assets folder
- Each song having areas for Artist Name, Album Name, and Year of Publish