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A PHP library for parsing nginx.conf files. No dependencies.


composer require sashabo/nginx-conf-parser


To parse nginx.conf from string use static method:

SashaBo\NginxConfParser\Parser::parseString(string $source): array

To parse from file:

SashaBo\NginxConfParser\Parser::parseFile(string $path, bool $followIncludes = false): array

Both return array<SashaBo\NginxConfParser\Row>:

class Row
    public readonly string $name;
    /** @var array<string> */
    public readonly array $values;
    /** @var array<self> */
    public readonly array $rows;
    public readonly ?string $file;
    /** @var non-negative-int */
    public readonly int $position;
    /** @var non-negative-int */
    public readonly int $line;
    /** @var non-negative-int */
    public readonly int $linePosition;
    /** @var positive-int */
    public readonly int $length;

name - the name of nginx.conf parameter.

values - an array or words going after the name. For example:

name: 'server_name'
values: ['', '']

rows - an array of rows in {...}.

So, a row with name 'http' contains rows with name 'server', and they - rows with name 'location'.

position, line and linePosition start from 0. For the 'server_name' nginx parameter these three values describe the position of 's' symbol.

length is counted from the first symbol of the name ('s' for 'server_name') to the ';' or '}' symbol including them. So you can use position and length to remove or replace the whole nginx parameter or the block of parameters with substr_replace, and your nginx.conf will be still valid.


The parser doesn't interpret nginx.conf data, just parses. It knows nothing about nginx parameters, just follows the syntax. If your nginx.conf file contains wrong data, the parser won't throw exceptions while the structure of the file is correct.

The only command the parser understands is include if $followIncludes is true. In this case, parser will parse also included file (or few files if there is a pattern like sites-enabled/*.conf) and replace the include row with rows from the included file.

Composing nginx.conf

The package contains a tool for composing parsed (or generated) data back to nginx.conf file. To do this, use static method SashaBo\NginxConfParser\Composer::compose(array $rows): string

Searching parameters in nginx.conf

Since 1.2.0 the package contains Finder class with these methods:

class Finder
     * @param array<Row> $rows
     * @return array<Row>
    public static function findByName(array $rows, string $name): array

     * @param array<Row> $rows
     * @return ?Row
    public static function findOneByName(array $rows, string $name): ?Row

     * @param array<Row>    $rows
     * @param array<string> $path
     * @return array<Row>
    public static function findByPath(array $rows, array $path): array

     * @param array<Row>    $rows
     * @param array<string> $path
     * @return ?Row
    public static function findOneByPath(array $rows, array $path): ?Row

Using variables

Since 1.2.0 the package contains VariableReplacer class with these methods:

class VariableReplacer
    public const MISSED_SET_EMPTY = 'set-empty';
    public const MISSED_IGNORE = 'ignore';
    public const MISSED_THROW_EXCEPTION = 'exception';

     * @param array<Row>            $rows
     * @param array<string, string> $variables
     * @return array<Row>
    public static function replace(array $rows, array $variables, string $missedMode = self::MISSED_IGNORE): array

    public static function replaceRow(Row $row, array $variables, string $missedMode = self::MISSED_IGNORE): Row


server {
    listen $server_port;
    root $server_root;

    location / {
        try_files $uri @php;
    location @php {
        include fastcgi.conf;
        fastcgi_pass localhost:9000;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /app/app.php;
$rows = VariableReplacer::replace(
        'server_port' => 80,
        'server_root' => '/app/public'


Parsing nginx.conf files with/without following includes







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