Restful Django project for managing a library.
- JWT Authentication
- Payments management (Stripe API)
- Borrowings management
- Book management
- Fines system
- Telegram notifications
git clone
cd library-api
cp .env.sample .env
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
To join the group go to
docker exec -it <id of the docker container with the app> python test
- POST: api/library/books/ - add a new book
- GET: api/library/books/ - get a list of books
- GET: api/library/books/{id}/ - get book's detail info
- PUT/PATCH: api/library/books/{id}/ - update book (also manage inventory)
- DELETE: api/library/books/{id}/ - delete book
- POST: api/users/ - register a new user
- POST: api/users/token/ - get JWT tokens
- POST: api/users/token/refresh/ - refresh JWT token
- GET: api/users/me/ - get my profile info
- PUT/PATCH: api/users/me/ - update profile info
- POST: api/library/borrowings/ - add new borrowing (when borrow book - inventory is made -= 1)
- GET: api/library/borrowings/?user_id=...&is_active=... - get borrowings by user id and whether is borrowing still active or not.
- GET: api/library/borrowings/{id}/ - get specific borrowing
- POST: api/library/borrowings/{id}/return/ - set actual return date (inventory is made += 1)
- GET: api/library/success/ - check successful stripe payment
- GET: api/library/cancel/ - return payment paused message