Sparkler isn't a library, and it isn't a framework. It's a Java application that illustrates some REST API design and workflow principles in action. JPetStore served a similar purpose for Java-based web applications in 2002.
Back then, Clinton Begin released JPetStore, "a completely rewritten Pet Store application based on Sun's original J2EE Pet Store." For those who don't remember, developing web applications in the early 2000's was a debacle based on J2EE and EJB's. Spring hadn't yet been released, and simple examples of Java web applications like JPetStore were in short supply.
In the spirit of JPetStore, Sparkler demonstrates a simple, microservices-based approach to build, test, deploy, and monitor a small API server that allows you to GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE simple domain objects.
Sparkler's domain is an "Example" object with two string attributes.
Sparkler isn't about the domain: It's about demonstrating everything else required to deploy a small but production-ready API, while keeping things fun and productive for developers and ops teams. Complicated domains shouldn't require complicated applications: Sparkler provides a simple foundation on which to build powerful Java-based REST API's. You can easily extend the application and make it your own.
- Features
- Getting Started
- Public API
- Releasing
- Deploying to Heroku
- Deploying via Tarball
- Useful Links
- Powered by the Spark Framework, a Sinatra-inspired simple and lightweight Java web framework built for rapid development.
- JSON parsing with Gson.
- Fast, repeatable fully automated functional testing of the public REST API using JUnit and the Apache HttpClient.
- Allows database migrations to be applied before each suite and tables cleared before each test case.
- Groovy-based REPL for interactive development.
Ready for Continuous Delivery:
- Includes an automated deployment to Heroku.
- Includes a fully automated build for a versioned standalone tarball for other deployment environments.
- Public API defined by automated tests, providing a meaningful semantic versioning contract.
- Conforms to a twelve-factor SaaS methodology.
- Logging configured with Log4j 2. The config file is outside of the compiled application, allowing redefinition of logging behavior without stopping or redeploying the server.
Clone the repository and cd
into the application directory.
Start the server: make server
This starts up the server in the same manner that will be used in the actual release.
Visit the welcome page: http://localhost:8081
See the makefile
for other automation targets.
POST: http://localhost:8081/examples
"name" : "foo",
"type" : "bar"
GET: http://localhost:8081/examples/1
PUT: http://localhost:8081/examples/1 with JSON as in POST
DELETE: http://localhost:8081/examples/1
See the functional tests for the full contract with Examples.
git co -b release-1.0.0
Versioning follows Semantic Versioning conventions: major.minor.patch
- The RestfulApiFunctionalTest suite defines the contract for the public API. If this API changes in a way that isn't backwards compatible, that's a major version change.
- Bug fixes and refactoring are patch revisions.
- Backwards compatible features are a minor revision.
- Follow the SemVer spec for anything else.
Commit the appropriate version change:
git commit -am "Update version and changelog for release"
git push
You might also want to delete your local copy of the branch:
git fetch -p
git branch -d release-1.0.0
git tag v1.0.0
git push --tags
git commit -am "Increment version to SNAPSHOT"
git push
You now have a tagged release and are ready to iterate on the next.
Sparkler includes support for a deployment to Heroku. The artifacts deployed to Heroku are the same as those deployed via the tarball deployment described below.
You'll need the Heroku Toolbelt and the heroku-deploy plugin for these steps.
OS X users can install the Toolbelt via Homebrew:
brew update
brew install heroku-toolbelt
Install the heroku-deploy plugin to support running from a jar instead of compiling on Heroku: heroku plugins:install
Set up a free-tier version of the application on Heroku:
Login with your Heroku credentials: heroku login
into the project directory and create an application: heroku create
Take note of the name that Heroku assigns.
Add a Postgres database: heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
At the start of your session, set a HEROKU_APP
environment variable with the name of your project. For example, if Heroku had assigned an application name of "polar-sea-31843", you could run export HEROKU_APP=polar-sea-31843
. You can also set this variable in your makefile
and commit it if you'll be using the same Heroku app over time.
Deploy the project: make heroku-deploy
The included Procfile migrates the database before starting the application to ensure things stay up to date.
Check the logs to ensure everything starts up correctly: heroku logs --tail
Open up the app and ensure you see the welcome message: heroku apps:open
If everything looks good, try out the Public API described above.
Let's say we're deploying version 1.0.0.
make tarball
will create target/sparkler-1.0.0.tgz
from the target/sparkler-1.0.0-standalone
Unpack the tarball in the location of your choice with tar xzf sparkler-1.0.0.tgz
├── bin - scripts used to run the application
├── config - log4j configuration file
└── lib - all jars needed for the application
Switch to the directory where you untarred your distribution: cd sparkler-1.0.0-standalone
Run database migrations (assuming a local H2 database for the moment): JDBC_DATABASE_URL=jdbc:h2://file/./db/sparkler bin/
Start the service: PORT=8081 JDBC_DATABASE_URL=jdbc:h2://file/./db/sparkler bin/
It can be useful to be able to switch the logging levels of one of the applications sub-systems without shutting down. Try hitting an invalid url like http://localhost:8081/examples/fubar. Note the WARN message in the logs.
Edit config/log4j2.xml
to change the com.testedminds logger level to error. Within 30 seconds (or the value you set in monitorInterval), the application will reload the log4j config and you should see a message in the console that the config was modified. Try visiting the invalid url again, and notice how there is now no log entry.
Sparkler will eventually be distributed as a template. For now, you can extend the application by reinitializing the git repository:
rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -am "Initial import"
You can now customize the application and make it your own.
Yes. Instead of having a bin directory with a whole bunch of scripts, it's much easier to have a makefile
with very simple commands that take care of your project's frequently used tasks.
is also already on just about everyone's machine, unless you're on Windows. Even then, it's available.
No. This has been build on OS X Yosemite and El Capitan. YMMV.
Check the issues and send a PR!
These came in handy while building Sparkler:
- Postman for simple interactive, ad-hoc RESTful API testing
- asciiflow for quick plain-text whiteboard-like sessions
- json editor
- marked for nice Markdown previews
- API-Craft discussion group
Flyway is a simple solution to a simple problem:
Released under the Apache License, Version 2.0