Hi there! 👋 Welcome to the GitHub organisation of Satellite Games, the (currently one-man) studio that develops and publishes the New Horizons tabletop game.
Feel free to check out any (or all!) of our open-source repositories.
- newhorizons-core — Contains the source code for the
JavaScript package. This is where all of the game-related magic happens. - newhorizons-wiki — Contains both the source code for the
JavaScript package as well as the contents of the game's wiki, which includes all documentation on the game. This is where you'll want to contribute if you're planning on writing or creating artwork. - newhorizons-client — Contains the source code for the New Horizons web application.
If you'd like to contribute to the project, that's awesome! But please make sure to read our contribution guidelines beforehand.
If you'd like to create your own work related to New Horizons, please make sure you have read and understood how these works are licensed. New Horizons uses a dual-licensind model. In short: While most parts of AGPL-3.0 license license apply to our products, we impose some more limitations. In particular, you are not allowed to use any of New Horizon's assets commercially without our explicit consent.