Call python functions from your shell
Why -
pip install pyfunc
- For builtin functions - just call them without any module prefix. For others, prefix them by their module name.
$ pyfunc -m range -a 1 7 2
$ pyfunc -m string.upper -a test
$ pyfunc -m string.replace -a 'analyze what' 'what' 'this'
analyze this
- Arguments can also be read from standard input by providing '-' symbol
$ echo 1 | pyfunc -m range -a - 7 2
- If the function takes only one argument (or others are optional), there is no need to give -a if you are feeding it from stdin
$ echo TeSt | pyfunc -m string.swapcase
- Method signatures are assumed - if what you pass looks like an int - we wil convert it to int before passing it to the target function. However, if the user wants to explicitly specify method signature - he can do so. Apart from str/int - there is basic support to pass in other data types (list for now)
$ pyfunc -m string.join -s list,str -a "Good news everyone" " burp! "
Good burp! news burp! everyone
$ pyfunc -m sum -s list:int,str -a "1 2 3"
- For return values - you can print output in 3 ways:
- shell (default) - print strings as they are, list and dicts by iterating over them
- raw_json
- pretty_json
$ curl 2>/dev/null | pyfunc -m pyfunc.utils.json_read -a -
Accept: */*
User-Agent: curl/7.32.0
$ curl 2>/dev/null | pyfunc -m pyfunc.utils.json_read -p raw_json -a -
{"Host": "", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "curl/7.32.0"}
$ curl 2>/dev/null | pyfunc -m pyfunc.utils.json_read -p pretty_json -a -
"Host": "",
"Accept": "*/*",
"User-Agent": "curl/7.32.0"
- pyfunc provides some basic utility functions which are present in pyfunc.utils
$ curl 2>/dev/null | pyfunc -m pyfunc.utils.json_flatten
rank.first: 1
rank.middle: 2
rank.last: 3
name.first: dwight
name.middle: kurt
name.last: schrute
- The right use case would be to create aliases out of commonly used functions and use them in your command pipelines:
$ alias jsonflatten='pyfunc -m pyfunc.utils.json_flatten -a'
$ alias strupper='pyfunc -m string.upper -a'
$ curl 2>/dev/null | jsonflatten | grep first | grep name | cut -f2 -d':' | strupper
- Replacement for shell utilities - shell commands like tr, awk, cut, etc. are
indespensible and pyfunc's aim is to augment them by:
- enriching your shell with python's standard library functions.
- reducing development time by enabling developers to write utilities in python and providing the interface to call them.
- This module is relatively new and is work in progress. Design and feature level feedback is welcome.
- Add basic tests. (I know - should've added them from the start.)
- Review more use cases and see if the current design survives their test.
- Use docopt instead of argparse (easier to make man pages with docopt).