This is a simple gRPC project in Java. Several gRPC services have been implemented in java
Java 8
Protocol Buffers
1. Unary gRPC: Sum RPC Unary API - The function takes a Request message that
has two integers, and returns a Response that represents the sum of them.
2. Server Streaming gRPC: PrimeNumberDecomposition RPC Server Streaming API - The
function takes a Request message that has one integer, and returns a stream of
Responses that represent the prime number decomposition of that number.
3. Client Streaming gRPC: ComputeAverage RPC Client Streaming API - The function
takes a stream of Request message that has one integer, and returns a Response
with a double that represents the computed average.
4. Bi-Directional Streaming gRPC: FindMaximum RPC Bi-Directional Streaming API - The
function takes a stream of Request message that has one integer, and returns a stream
of Responses that represent the current maximum between all these integers