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Sayan Sil edited this page Oct 12, 2020 · 4 revisions

A relational database is used to store all the real-time data during the course of our simulation. Find the code of the Database Manager here.

The following types of tables are maintained in the project:

This represents the master database of the simulation containing the live snapshot of the ongoing simulation.

Name Type Schema
name TEXT "name" TEXT NOT NULL
kind TEXT "kind" TEXT NOT NULL
chromosome TEXT "chromosome" TEXT NOT NULL
generation INT "generation" INT NOT NULL
immunity FLOAT "immunity" FLOAT NOT NULL
gender INT "gender" INT NOT NULL
age INT "age" INT NOT NULL
height FLOAT "height" FLOAT NOT NULL
weight FLOAT "weight" FLOAT NOT NULL
static_fitness FLOAT "static_fitness" FLOAT NOT NULL


This represents annual statistics for each species over the course of a simulation. Every species has their own table by the name STAT_. Due to vast differences in the traits among the five kingdoms, we have different schemas for each of them as shown in the following sections.

Name Type Schema
year INT "year" INT NOT NULL
population FLOAT "population" FLOAT NOT NULL
matable_population FLOAT "matable_population" FLOAT NOT NULL
conceiving_probability FLOAT "conceiving_probability" FLOAT NOT NULL
mating_age_start FLOAT "mating_age_start" FLOAT NOT NULL
mating_age_end FLOAT "mating_age_end" FLOAT NOT NULL
max_age FLOAT "max_age" FLOAT NOT NULL
mutation_probability FLOAT "mutation_probability" FLOAT NOT NULL
offsprings_factor FLOAT "offsprings_factor" FLOAT NOT NULL
age_on_death FLOAT "age_on_death" FLOAT NOT NULL
fitness_on_death FLOAT "fitness_on_death" FLOAT NOT NULL
age_fitness_on_death_ratio FLOAT "age_fitness_on_death_ratio" FLOAT NOT NULL
height_on_vitality FLOAT "height_on_vitality" FLOAT NOT NULL
weight_on_vitality FLOAT "weight_on_vitality" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_base_height FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_base_height" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_base_vitality FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_base_vitality" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_base_weight FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_base_weight" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_height FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_height" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_weight FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_weight" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_height_multiplier FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_height_multiplier" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_vitality_multiplier FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_vitality_multiplier" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_weight_multiplier FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_weight_multiplier" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_generation FLOAT "average_generation" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_immunity FLOAT "average_immunity" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_age FLOAT "average_age" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_height FLOAT "average_height" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_weight FLOAT "average_weight" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_max_vitality_at_age FLOAT "average_max_vitality_at_age" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_static_fitness FLOAT "average_static_fitness" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_death_factor FLOAT "average_death_factor" FLOAT NOT NULL

Name Type Schema
year INT "year" INT NOT NULL
male_population FLOAT "male_population" FLOAT NOT NULL
female_population FLOAT "female_population" FLOAT NOT NULL
matable_male_population FLOAT "matable_male_population" FLOAT NOT NULL
matable_female_population FLOAT "matable_female_population" FLOAT NOT NULL
conceiving_probability FLOAT "conceiving_probability" FLOAT NOT NULL
mating_age_start FLOAT "mating_age_start" FLOAT NOT NULL
mating_age_end FLOAT "mating_age_end" FLOAT NOT NULL
max_age FLOAT "max_age" FLOAT NOT NULL
mutation_probability FLOAT "mutation_probability" FLOAT NOT NULL
offsprings_factor FLOAT "offsprings_factor" FLOAT NOT NULL
age_on_death FLOAT "age_on_death" FLOAT NOT NULL
fitness_on_death FLOAT "fitness_on_death" FLOAT NOT NULL
age_fitness_on_death_ratio FLOAT "age_fitness_on_death_ratio" FLOAT NOT NULL
height_on_speed FLOAT "height_on_speed" FLOAT NOT NULL
height_on_stamina FLOAT "height_on_stamina" FLOAT NOT NULL
height_on_vitality FLOAT "height_on_vitality" FLOAT NOT NULL
weight_on_speed FLOAT "weight_on_speed" FLOAT NOT NULL
weight_on_stamina FLOAT "weight_on_stamina" FLOAT NOT NULL
weight_on_vitality FLOAT "weight_on_vitality" FLOAT NOT NULL
vitality_on_appetite FLOAT "vitality_on_appetite" FLOAT NOT NULL
vitality_on_speed FLOAT "vitality_on_speed" FLOAT NOT NULL
stamina_on_appetite FLOAT "stamina_on_appetite" FLOAT NOT NULL
stamina_on_speed FLOAT "stamina_on_speed" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_base_appetite FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_base_appetite" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_base_height FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_base_height" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_base_speed FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_base_speed" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_base_stamina FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_base_stamina" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_base_vitality FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_base_vitality" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_base_weight FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_base_weight" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_height FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_height" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_speed FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_speed" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_weight FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_weight" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_height_multiplier FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_height_multiplier" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_speed_multiplier FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_speed_multiplier" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_stamina_multiplier FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_stamina_multiplier" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_vitality_multiplier FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_vitality_multiplier" FLOAT NOT NULL
theoretical_maximum_weight_multiplier FLOAT "theoretical_maximum_weight_multiplier" FLOAT NOT NULL
sleep_restore_factor FLOAT "sleep_restore_factor" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_generation FLOAT "average_generation" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_immunity FLOAT "average_immunity" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_age FLOAT "average_age" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_height FLOAT "average_height" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_weight FLOAT "average_weight" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_max_appetite_at_age FLOAT "average_max_appetite_at_age" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_max_speed_at_age FLOAT "average_max_speed_at_age" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_max_stamina_at_age FLOAT "average_max_stamina_at_age" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_max_vitality_at_age FLOAT "average_max_vitality_at_age" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_static_fitness FLOAT "average_static_fitness" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_death_factor FLOAT "average_death_factor" FLOAT NOT NULL
average_vision_radius FLOAT "average_vision_radius" FLOAT NOT NULL
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