NEW library for working with email, using sockets.
- Dependency free
- Body structure analyze via [BODYSTRUCTURE] command
- Flexible search and fetch
- Attachments support (inline too)
- Flags management
- Pagination
- Sorting
To install this project run
composer require sazanof/php-imap-sockets
use \Sazanof\PhpImapSockets\Models\Connection;
// create new connection
$connection = new Connection('');
// open connection and enable debug
// login
$connection->login('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
use \Sazanof\PhpImapSockets\Models\SearchQuery;
$query = new SearchQuery();
// OR
// OR
// OR
// Use clear() method to clear query string
$path = 'INBOX';
$mailbox = $connection->getMailboxByPath($path)->setConnection($connection)->select();
// array of messages NUMBERS (not UIDS)
$uids = $mailbox->search($query)->msgNums();
// or
$mailbox->search($query)->setOrderDirection('DESC')->msgNums() // or ASC
use \Sazanof\PhpImapSockets\Models\MessageCollection;
$collection = new MessageCollection($uids, $mailbox);
// array of "Message"
$items = $collection->items();
use \Sazanof\PhpImapSockets\Models\Paginator;
$paginator = new \Sazanof\PhpImapSockets\Models\Paginator($uids, $mailbox, 1, 6);
$messagesPaginated = $p->messages();
/** @var \Sazanof\PhpImapSockets\Models\Message $message **/
$attachmentsParts = $message->getBodyStructure()->getAttachmentParts();
foreach ($attachmentsParts as $attachmentsPart) {
if (!$attachmentsPart->isInline()) {
// set attachment content to $attachmentsPart
$message->getAttachment($attachmentsPart->getSection()) // or save locally
/** @var \Sazanof\PhpImapSockets\Models\Message $message **/
//get text parts (plain,html) with inline images
use \Sazanof\PhpImapSockets\Models\Message;
//trigger save
If you detected any security issues, please reach out to us at [email protected]