On mac you can install install emacs with
brew install --cask emacs
Install cask http://cask.readthedocs.org/en/latest/guide/installation.html#manual-installation
Clone it into ~
, enter cd emacs-bartek
cask install
Add to .emacs:
(load "~/emacs-bartek/emacs-bartek.el")
brew install aspell
You can also install Pylint for Python by and other usefull packages by
pip install pylint autopep8 jedi epc yapf black flake8 rope ropemacs ipython jupyter
Also, after installing everything run in Emacs: M-x jedi:install-server
Choose virtualenv with:
M-x workon
Go to the location where the identifier at point is defined.
C-x 4 .
The same, but other window.
Go back
C-c C-d
C-c C-z
Run shell
C-c C-e
Edit all occurrences of the symbol at point at once.
C-c C-r r
For flymake, you should have installed cpplint
One way to get it is to so something like:
pip install cpplint
sudo mv ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cpplint.py /usr/local/bin/cpplint.py
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/cpplint.py
Markdown mode is configured to work with pandoc
Tree plugin