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forked from octoblu/meshblu

Machine-to-machine instant messaging platform for the internet of things #IoT


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Meshblu is an open source machine-to-machine instant messaging network and API. Our API is available on HTTP REST, realtime Web Sockets via RPC (remote procedure calls), MQTT, and CoAP. We seamlessly bridge all of these protocols. For instance, an MQTT device can communicate with any CoAP or HTTP or WebSocket connected device on Meshblu.

Meshblu auto-assigns 36 character UUIDs and secret tokens to each registered device connected to the network. These device "credentials" are used to authenticate with Meshblu and maintain your device's JSON description in the device directory.

Meshblu allows you to discover/query devices such as drones, hue light bulbs, weemos, insteons, raspberry pis, arduinos, server nodes, etc. that meet your criteria and send IM messages to 1 or all devices.

You can also subscribe to messages being sent to/from devices and their sensor activities.

Meshblu offers a Node.JS NPM module called Meshblu and a meshblu.js file for simplifying Node.JS and mobile/client-side connectivity to Meshblu.


AllSeen Alliance - Allseen Alliance reaches 50 members; expands smart home, connected car and security focus

Sys-Con - Exclusive Octoblu Interview @ThingsExpo Silicon Valley

Onalytica - The Internet of Things - Top 100 Organizations

GigaOm - Octoblu launches to make Skynet internet of things tools professional grade

VentureBeat - Internet of things startup Octoblu designs a platform that translates protocols

Forbes - Octoblu Peels Back The Covers On Its Internet Of Things Platform

GigaOm - Listen to Stacey Higginbotham from GigaOm interview Chris Matthieu, the founder of SkyNet, about our capabilities, uses, and future direction.

Wired - ‘Yes, I’m trying to build SkyNet from Terminator.’

Wired - Why Tech’s Best Minds Are Very Worried About the Internet of Things

LeapMotion - Developer newsletter covers flying drones connected to SkyNet with LeapMotion sensor!

The New Stack - Drones Get A Messaging Network Aptly Called SkyNet


  • Phase 1 - Build a network and realtime API for enabling machine-to-machine communications.
  • Phase 2 - Connect all of the thingz.
  • Phase 3 - Become self-aware!

Installing/Running Meshblu private cloud

Clone the git repository, then:

$ npm install

Meshblu uses Mongo, Redis, ElasticSearch, and Splunk; however, we have made this infrastructure optional for you. Meshblu falls back to file system and memory storage if these services are not configured allowing you to deploy a private Meshblu cloud to a Raspberry Pi or other mini-computer!

If you want to include these services for a scalable infrastructure, you can make the following changes to your config.js file.

Modify config.js with your MongoDB connection string. If you have MongoDB running locally use:

mongo: {
  databaseUrl: "mongodb://localhost:27017/skynet"

You can also modify config.js with your Redis connection information. If you have Redis running locally use:

redis: {
  host: "",
  port: "6379",
  password: "abcdef"

You can also modify config.js with your ElasticSearch connection information. If you have ES running locally use:

elasticSearch: {
  host: "localhost",
  port: "9200"

If you would like to connect your private Meshblu cloud to or another private Meshblu cloud, register a UUID on the parent cloud (i.e. using the POST /Devices REST API and then add the returned UUID and token to the following section to your private cloud's config.js file:

parentConnection: {
  uuid: 'xxxx-my-uuid-on-parent-server-xxxx',
  token: 'xxx ---  my token ---- xxxx',
  server: '',
  port: 80

Start the Meshblu server running HTTP and WebSocket protocols use:

$ node server.js --http

You may also run something like forever to keep it up and running:

$ forever start server.js --http

MQTT Broker

MQTT is an optional Meshblu protocol. If you would like to run our MQTT broker with your private Meshblu cloud, open another console tab and run:

$ node server.js --http --mqtt

or using forever

$ forever start server.js --http --mqtt

Note: Our MQTT Broker defaults to using Mongo; however, you can run it in memory by removing the databaseUrl from the config.js.

mqtt: {
  port: 1883,
  skynetPass: "Very big random password 34lkj23orfjvi3-94ufpvuha4wuef-a09v4ji0rhgouj"


CoAP is an optional Meshblu protocol. If you would like to run our CoAP protocol with your private Meshblu cloud, open another console tab and run:

$ node server.js --http --coap

or using forever

$ forever start server.js --http --coap

Note: Our CoAP protocol defaults to using Mongo; however, you can run it in memory by removing the databaseUrl from the config.js.

coap: {
  port: 5683,
  host: "localhost"



Use the button above to deploy to the Heroku cloud for Free! Starts out with a basic implementation of Meshblu with only MongoDB. The app.json / config.js can be modified to allow for more protocols and storage systems.

Heroku allows you scale with a touch of a button.


Install on DigitalOcean

Use the button above to deploy to the DigitalOcean cloud for as little as $5/month! The app.json / config.js can be modified to allow for more protocols and storage systems.


The default Dockerfile will run Meshblu a container to make quick experiments easier. The easiest way to get started is to use our image from the docker registry:

docker run -e TOKEN=something_secret octoblu/meshblu

A note about secrets: We require that whomever runs Meshblu to supply a text secret, in the form of the TOKEN environmnet variable, that we can use as a salt when hashing tokens. Not knowing this secret hinders a malicious user when creating a rainbow table to reverse the hashed tokens.

If you want to build your own image, then run the following from the Meshblu project root:

docker build -t local/meshblu .

Then run it like above, but with the local image:

docker run -e TOKEN=something_secret local/meshblu

This will run Meshblu (formerly skynet) and expose port 80 from the container and map it to your port 80. If you'd like to map it to a different port, use -p. For example, to map it to local port 3000:

docker run -p 3000:80 -e TOKEN=something_secret local/meshblu

Nodeblu Developer Toolkit

Play with Meshblu IoT platform in Chrome! Nodeblu helps you experiment with the Octoblu and Meshblu Internet of Things platforms by dragging, dropping, and wiring up various nodes connected to Meshblu!

Nodeblu is Octoblu's fork of the popular NodeRED application from IBM. Since our app is deployed as a Chrome extension, we decided to add extra local features such as speech recognition and text-to-speech, a WebRTC webcam, HTML5 notifications, access to ChromeDB, a gamepad controller, and access to local and remote Arduino and Spark devices via our Microblu OS.


We have an open source Octoblu Gateway also available on GitHub. Our Gateway allows you to connect devices with or without IP addresses to Meshblu and communicate bi-directionally! The Gateway uses WebSockets to connect to Meshblu so it can traverse NAT firewalls and send/receive messages to/from Meshblu.

Gateblu has an extensible plugin architecture allowing you to create plugins for devices that we have not had a chance to connect yet. You can search for a list of active Gateblu plugins.

Microblu Operating System

Meshblu includes a micro-controller operating system that is compatible with Arduino, Spark, and Pinoccio! The OS is available on GitHub and comes with firmata built-in.

On power-on, the Microblu OS connects to Meshblu, obtains a UUID, and awaits your instructions! You can message the micro-controller to turn on/off pins and servos as well as request streaming analog sensor data from various pins.


Most of our API endpoints require authentication credentials (UUID and secret token) passed in the HTTP headers as meshblu_auth_uuid and meshblu_auth_token respectively. These credentials are generated by registering a device or user with Meshblu via the POST /Devices API (see below). If you would like to associate additional Meshblu devices with the UUID and Token that you created (as a user), you can add an "owner" property to your other devices with the user's UUID as its value; otherwise, you can use the device's UUID and token in the headers to control the device itself.

We support the following device permissions: Discover, Send Messages, Receive Messages (subscribe) and Configure (Update). These permissions are manageable by adding UUIDs to whitelists and blacklists arrays with the following names: discoverWhitelist, discoverBlacklist, sendWhitelist, sendBlacklist, receiveWhitelist, receiveBlacklist, updateWhitelist, updateBlacklist. Note: If your UUID is the same as the "owner" UUID, these permissions are not enforced (you are the owner).

GET /status

Returns the current status of the Meshblu network

curl http://localhost:3000/status

=> {"skynet":"online","timestamp":1380480777750,"eventCode":200}

GET /devices

Returns an array of all devices available to you on Meshblu. Notice you can query against custom properties i.e. all drones or light switches and online/offline etc.

curl "http://localhost:3000/devices" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

curl "http://localhost:3000/devices?key=123" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

curl "http://localhost:3000/devices?online=true" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

curl "http://localhost:3000/devices?key=123&online=true" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> ["ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b","2f3113d0-2796-11e3-95ef-e3081976e170","9c62a150-29f6-11e3-89e7-c741cd5bd6dd","f828ef20-29f7-11e3-9604-b360d462c699","d896f9f0-29fb-11e3-a27c-614201ddde6e"]

GET /devices/uuid

Returns all information on a given device by its UUID

curl "http://localhost:3000/devices/01404680-2539-11e3-b45a-d3519872df26" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"_id":"5241d9140345450000000001","channel":"main","deviceDescription":"this is a test","deviceName":"hackboard","key":"123","online":true,"socketid":"pG5UAhaZa_xXlvrItvTd","timestamp":1380340661522,"uuid":"ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b"}b

POST /devices

Registers a device on the Meshblu network. You can add as many properties to the device object as desired. Meshblu returns a device UUID and token which needs to be used with future updates to the device object

Note: You can pass in a token parameter to overide skynet issuing you one

curl -X POST -d "name=arduino&description=this+is+a+test" "http://localhost:3000/devices" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

curl -X POST -d "name=arduino&token=123" "http://localhost:3000/devices" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"name":"arduino","description":"this is a test","uuid":"8220cff0-2939-11e3-88cd-0b8e5fdfd7d4","timestamp":1380481272431,"token":"1yw0nfc54okcsor2tfqqsuvnrcf2yb9","online":false,"_id":"524878f8cc12f0877f000003"}

PUT /devices/uuid

Updates a device object.

curl -X PUT -d "online=true" "http://localhost:3000/devices/01404680-2539-11e3-b45a-d3519872df26" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"uuid":"8220cff0-2939-11e3-88cd-0b8e5fdfd7d4","timestamp":1380481439002,"online":true}

DELETE /devices/uuid

Unregisters a device on the Meshblu network. Token is required for security.

curl -X DELETE -d "token=123" "http://localhost:3000/devices/01404680-2539-11e3-b45a-d3519872df26" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"uuid":"8220cff0-2939-11e3-88cd-0b8e5fdfd7d4","timestamp":1380481567799}

GET /localdevices

Returns a list of unclaimed devices that are on the same network as the requesting resource.

curl -X GET --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"devices":[{"autoRegister":true,"online":false,"timestamp":"2014-08-05T20:38:31.139Z","ipAddress":"","protocol":"websocket","secure":false,"uuid":"76537331-1ce0-11e4-861d-89322229e557","channel":"main"},{"autoRegister":true,"online":true,"timestamp":"2014-08-05T16:50:52.492Z","ipAddress":"","protocol":"websocket","secure":false,"uuid":"a92350c1-1cc0-11e4-861d-89322229e557","channel":"main"}]}

PUT /claimdevice/:uuid

Adds the meshblu_auth_uuid as the owner of this device UUID allowing a user or device to claim ownership of another device.

curl -X PUT{:uuid} --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"updatedExisting":true,"n":1,"connectionId":232,"err":null,"ok":1}

GET /mydevices

Returns all information (excluding tokens) of all devices or nodes belonging to a user's UUID (identified as "owner")

curl -X GET "" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"devices":[{"owner":"0d1234a0-1234-11e3-b09c-1234e847b2cc","name":"SMS","phoneNumber":"16025551234","uuid":"1c1234e1-xxxx-11e3-1234-671234c01234","timestamp":1390861609070,"token":"1234eg1234zz1tt1234w0op12346bt9","channel":"main","online":false,"_id":"52e6d1234980420c4a0001db"}}]}

POST /messages

Sends a JSON message to all devices or an array of devices or a specific device on the Meshblu network.

curl -X POST -d '{"devices": "all", "message": {"yellow":"off"}}' "http://localhost:3000/messages" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

curl -X POST -d '{"devices": ["ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b","2f3113d0-2796-11e3-95ef-e3081976e170"], "message": {"yellow":"off"}}' "http://localhost:3000/messages" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

curl -X POST -d '{"devices": "ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b", "message": {"yellow":"off"}}' "http://localhost:3000/messages" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"devices":"ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b","message":{"yellow":"off"},"timestamp":1380930482043,"eventCode":300}

Note: If your Meshblu cloud is connected to or other private Meshblu clouds, you can send messages across Meshblu clouds by chaining UUIDs together separated by slashes (/) where the first UUID is the target cloud and the second UUID is the device on that cloud.

curl -X POST -d '{"devices": "ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b/2f3113d0-2796-11e3-95ef-e3081976e170", "message": {"yellow":"off"}}' "http://localhost:3000/messages" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

GET /events/uuid?token=token

Returns last 10 events related to a specific device or node

curl -X GET "" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"events":[{"uuid":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","socketid":"lnHHS06ijWUXEzb01ZRy","timestamp":1382632438785,"eventCode":101,"_id":"52694bf6ad11379eec00003f"},{"uuid":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","socketid":"BuwnWQ_oLmpk5R3m1ZRv","timestamp":1382561240563,"eventCode":101,"_id":"526835d8ad11379eec000017"}]}

GET /subscribe

This is a streaming API that returns device/node mesages as they are sent and received. Notice the comma at the end of the response. Meshblu doesn't close the stream.

curl -X GET "" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> [{"devices":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","message":{"red":"on"},"timestamp":1388768270795,"eventCode":300,"_id":"52c6ec0e4f67671e44000001"},{"devices":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","message":{"red":"on"},"timestamp":1388768277473,"eventCode":300,"_id":"52c6ec154f67671e44000002"},

GET /subscribe/uuid

This is a streaming API that returns device/node broadcast mesages as they are sent. Notice the comma at the end of the response. Meshblu doesn't close the stream.

curl -X GET "" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> [{"fromUuid":"ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b","devices":"*",message":{"red":"on"},"timestamp":1388768270795,"eventCode":300,"_id":"52c6ec0e4f67671e44000001"},{"fromUuid":"ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b","devices":"*",,"message":{"red":"on"},"timestamp":1388768277473,"eventCode":300,"_id":"52c6ec154f67671e44000002"},

GET /authenticate/uuid?token=token

Returns UUID and authticate: true or false based on the validity of uuid/token credentials

curl -X GET "" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"uuid":"81246e80-29fd-11e3-9468-e5f892df566b","authentication":true} OR {"uuid":"81246e80-29fd-11e3-9468-e5f892df566b","authentication":false}

GET /ipaddress

Returns the public IP address of the request. This is useful when working with the Octoblu Gateway behind a firewall.

curl -X GET

=> {"ipAddress":""}

POST /data/uuid

Stores your device's sensor data to Meshblu

curl -X POST -d "token=123&temperature=78" "" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"timestamp":"2014-03-25T16:38:48.148Z","uuid":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","temperature":"30","ipAddress":"","eventCode":700,"_id":"5331b118512c974805000002"}

GET /data/uuid

Retrieves your device's sensor data to Meshblu

curl -X GET "http://localhost:3000/data/0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc?token=123" --header "meshblu_auth_uuid: {my uuid}" --header "meshblu_auth_token: {my token}"

=> {"data":[{"timestamp":"2014-03-25T16:38:48.148Z","uuid":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","temperature":"30","ipAddress":"","id":"5331b118512c974805000001"},{"timestamp":"2014-03-23T18:57:16.093Z","uuid":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","temperature":"78","ipAddress":"","id":"532f2e8c9c23809e93000001"}]}


Our CoAP API works exactly like our REST API. You can use Matteo Collina's CoAP CLI for testing CoAP REST API calls. Here are a few examples:

coap get coap://

coap get -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://

coap get -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://

coap post -p "type=drone&color=black" -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://

coap put -p "token=123&color=blue&online=true" -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://

coap delete -p "token=123" -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://

coap get -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://

coap post -p '{"devices": "*", "payload": {"yellow":"off"}}' -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://

coap get -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://

coap get -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap:// -o

coap get -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap:// -o

coap get -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://

coap post -p "token=123&temperature=78" -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://

coap get -H "meshblu_auth_uuid={:UUID}&meshblu_auth_token={:TOKEN}" coap://


Request and receive system status

socket.emit('status', function (data) {

Request and receive an array of devices matching a specific criteria

socket.emit('devices', {"key":"123"}, function (data) {

Request and receive information about a specific device

socket.emit('whoami', {"uuid":"ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b"}, function (data) {

Request and receive a device registration

socket.emit('register', {"key":"123"}, function (data) {

Request and receive a device update

socket.emit('update', {"uuid":"ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b", "token": "zh4p7as90pt1q0k98fzvwmc9rmjkyb9", "key":"777"}, function (data) {

Request and receive a device unregistration

socket.emit('unregister', {"uuid":"b5535950-29fd-11e3-9113-0bd381f0b5ef", "token": "2ls40jx80s9bpgb9w2g0vi2li72v5cdi"}, function (data) {

Store sensor data for a device uuid

socket.emit('data', {"uuid":"b5535950-29fd-11e3-9113-0bd381f0b5ef", "token": "2ls40jx80s9bpgb9w2g0vi2li72v5cdi", "temperature": 55}, function (data) {

Request and receive an array of sensor data matching a specific criteria

socket.emit('getdata', {"uuid":"b5535950-29fd-11e3-9113-0bd381f0b5ef", "token": "2ls40jx80s9bpgb9w2g0vi2li72v5cdi", "limit": 1}, function (data) {

Request and receive a message broadcast

// sending message to all devices
socket.emit('message', {"devices": "all", "message": {"yellow":"on"}});

// sending message to a specific devices
socket.emit('message', {"devices": "b5535950-29fd-11e3-9113-0bd381f0b5ef", "message": {"yellow":"on"}});

// sending message to an array of devices
socket.emit('message', {"devices": ["b5535950-29fd-11e3-9113-0bd381f0b5ef", "ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b"], "message": {"yellow":"on"}});

Websocket API commands include: status, register, unregister, update, whoami, devices, subscribe, unsubscribe, authenticate, and message. You can send a message to a specific UUID or an array of UUIDs or all nodes on SkyNet.


Our MQTT API works similar to our WebSocket API. In fact, we have a skynet-mqtt NPM module for to simplify client-side MQTT connects with SkyNet.

$ npm install skynet-mqtt

Here are a few examples:

var skynet = require('skynet-mqtt');

var conn = skynet.createConnection({
  "uuid": "xxxxxxxxxxxx-My-UUID-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "token": "xxxxxxx-My-Token-xxxxxxxxx",
  "qos": 0, // MQTT Quality of Service (0=no confirmation, 1=confirmation, 2=N/A)
  "host": "localhost", // optional - defaults to
  "port": 1883  // optional - defaults to 1883

conn.on('ready', function(){

  console.log('UUID AUTHENTICATED!');

  //Listen for messages
  conn.on('message', function(message){
    console.log('message received', message);

  // Send a message to another device
    "devices": "xxxxxxx-some-other-uuid-xxxxxxxxx",
    "payload": {

  // Broadcast a message to any subscribers to your uuid
    "devices": "*",
    "payload": {

  // Subscribe to broadcasts from another device

  // Log sensor data to skynet{temperature: 75, windspeed: 10});


Event Codes

If log: true in config.js, all transactions are logged to skynet.txt. Here are the event codes associated with Meshblu transactions.

  • 100 = Web socket connected
  • 101 = Web socket identification
  • 102 = Authenticate
  • 200 = System status API call
  • 201 = Get events
  • 204 = Subscribe
  • 205 = Unsubscribe
  • 300 = Incoming message
  • 301 = Incoming SMS message
  • 302 = Outgoing SMS message
  • 303 = Incoming Yo message
  • 304 = Outgoing Yo message
  • 305 = Outgoing Push Notification message
  • 400 = Register device
  • 401 = Update device
  • 402 = Delete device
  • 403 = Query devices
  • 500 = WhoAmI
  • 600 = Gateway Config API call
  • 700 = Write sensor data
  • 701 = Read sensor data



Machine-to-machine instant messaging platform for the internet of things #IoT







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