#Weather Application Project This project retrieves data about the weather at a location input by the user.
#Goals of Project The project aims to give the following data in a easily readable format:
Daily temperatures spanning over the week. Current weather such as sunny, overcast, heavy rain or storming.
Humidity, precipitation, wind
Time of request and location of which it was requested for
#Personal Goals Learn how to use HTTP to pull data from another server.
Learn how to recieve the data pulled into JSON, and then take the wanted data and put it into a usable format.
Learn how to use Trello for project management, treating the project like a real-life working project managed by a lead developer.
Learn about REST, HTTP (routes, verbs, query parameters).
#Api Specification
route: /weather/location?days=number
days: number of days we are returning weather for
location: location of where we want the weather for
location: location name
time: current time of request
temperature: temperature value
precipitation: precipitation value
humidity: humidity value
wind: wind value
forecast: e.g. sunny, mostly sunny, cloudy, storming etc.