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Breeze Linear Algebra
Compared to other numerical computing environments, Breeze matrices
default to column major ordering, like Matlab, but indexing is 0-based,
like Numpy. Breeze has as its core concepts matrices and column vectors.
Row vectors are normally stored as matrices with a single row. This
allows for greater type safety with the downside that conversion of row
vectors to column vectors is performed using a transpose-slice
) instead of a simple transpose (a.t
The following table assumes that Numpy is used with
from numpy import *
and Breeze with
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics._
Operation | Breeze | Matlab | Numpy |
Zeroed matrix | val c = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](n,m) |
c = zeros(n,m) |
c = zeros((n,m)) |
Zeroed vector | val a = DenseVector.zeros[Double](n) |
a = zeros(n) |
a = zeros(n) |
Vector of ones | val a = DenseVector.ones[Double](n) |
a = ones(n) |
a = ones(n) |
Vector of particular number | val b = DenseVector.fill(n){5.0} |
a = ones(n) * 5 |
a = ones(n) * 5 |
Identity matrix | DenseMatrix.eye[Double](n) |
eye(n) |
eye(n) |
Diagonal matrix | diag(DenseVector(1.0,2.0,3.0)) |
diag([1 2 3]) |
diag((1,2,3)) |
Matrix inline creation | val a = DenseMatrix((1.0,2.0), (3.0,4.0)) |
a = [1 2; 3 4] |
a = array([ [1,2], [3,4] ]) |
Column vector inline creation | val a = DenseVector(1,2,3,4) |
a = [1 2 3 4] |
a=array([1,2,3,4]) |
Row vector inline creation | val a = DenseVector(1,2,3,4).t |
a = [1,2,3,4]' |
a = array([1,2,3]).reshape(-1,1) |
Operation | Breeze | Matlab | Numpy |
Basic Indexing | a(0,1) |
a(1,2) |
a[0,1] |
Extract subset of vector |
a(1 to 4) or a(1 until 5) or a.slice(1,4)
a(2:5) |
a[1:4] |
(negative steps) | a(5 to 0 by -1) |
a(6:-1:1) |
a[5:0:-1] |
(tail) | a(1 to -1) |
a(2:end) |
a[1:] |
(last element) | a( -1 ) |
a(end) |
a[-1] |
Extract column of matrix | a(::, 2) |
a(:,3) |
a[:,2] |
Operation | Breeze | Matlab | Numpy |
Reshaping | a.reshape(3, 2) |
reshape(a, 3, 2) |
a.reshape(3,2) |
Flatten matrix |
a.toDenseVector (Makes copy) |
a(:) |
a.flatten() |
Copy lower triangle | lowerTriangular(a) |
tril(a) |
tril(a) |
Copy upper triangle | upperTriangular(a) |
triu(a) |
triu(a) |
Create view of matrix diagonal | diag(a) |
NA |
diagonal(a) (Numpy >= 1.9) |
Vector Assignment to subset | a(1 to 4) := 5.0 |
a(2:5) = 5 |
a[1:4] = 5 |
Vector Assignment to subset | a(1 to 4) := DenseVector(1.0,2.0,3.0) |
a(2:5) = [1 2 3] |
a[1:4] = array([1,2,3]) |
Matrix Assignment to subset | a(1 to 3,1 to 3) := 5.0 |
a(2:4,2:4) = 5 |
a[1:3,1:3] = 5 |
Matrix Assignment to column | a(::, 2) := 5.0 |
a(:,3) = 5 |
a[:,2] = 5 |
Matrix vertical concatenate | DenseMatrix.vertcat(a,b) |
[a ; b] |
vstack((a,b)) |
Matrix horizontal concatenate | DenseMatrix.horzcat(d,e) |
[a , b] |
hstack((a,b)) |
Vector concatenate | DenseVector.vertcat(a,b) |
[a b] |
concatenate((a,b)) |
Operation | Breeze | Matlab | Numpy |
Elementwise addition | a + b |
a + b |
a + b |
Elementwise multiplication | a :* b |
a .* b |
a * b |
Elementwise comparison | a :< b |
a < b (gives matrix of 1/0 instead of true/false) |
a < b |
Inplace addition | a :+= 1.0 |
a += 1 |
a += 1 |
Inplace elementwise multiplication | a :*= 2.0 |
a *= 2 |
a *= 2 |
Vector dot product | a dot b |
dot(a,b) |
dot(a,b) |
Elementwise sum | sum(a) |
sum(sum(a)) |
a.sum() |
Elementwise max | max(a) |
max(a) |
a.max() |
Elementwise argmax | argmax(a) |
argmax(a) |
a.argmax() |
Ceiling | ceil(a) |
ceil(a) |
ceil(a) |
Floor | floor(a) |
floor(a) |
floor(a) |
Operation | Breeze | Matlab | Numpy |
Sum down each column (giving a row vector) |
sum(a, Axis._0) or sum(a(*, ::))
sum(a) |
sum(a,0) |
Sum across each row (giving a column vector) |
sum(a, Axis._1) or sum(a(::, *))
sum(a') |
sum(a,1) |
Linear solve | a b |
a b |
linalg.solve(a,b) |
Transpose | a.t |
a' |
a.T |
Determinant | det(a) |
det(a) |
linalg.det(a) |
Inverse | inv(a) |
inv(a) |
linalg.inv(a) |
Pseudoinverse | pinv(a) |
pinv(a) |
linalg.pinv(a) |
Norm | norm(a) |
norm(a) |
norm(a) |
Eigenvalues (Symmetric) | eigSym(a) |
[v,l] = eig(a) |
linalg.eig(a)[0] |
Eigenvalues |
val (er, ei, _) = eig(a) (Separate real & imaginary part) |
eig(a) |
linalg.eig(a)[0] |
Eigenvectors | eig(a)._3 |
[v,l] = eig(a) |
linalg.eig(a)[1] |
Singular values | val (u,s,v) = svd(a) |
svd(a) |
linalg.svd(a) |
Rank | rank(a) |
rank(a) |
rank(a) |
Vector length | a.length |
size(a) |
a.size |
Matrix rows | a.rows |
size(a,1) |
a.shape[0] |
Matrix columns | a.cols |
size(a,2) |
a.shape[1] |
Operation | Breeze | Matlab | Numpy |
Not a Number |
NaN or nan
NaN |
nan |
Infinity |
Inf or inf
Inf |
inf |
Pi | Constants.Pi |
pi |
math.pi |
e | Constants.E |
exp(1) |
math.e |
Signal analysis functions, including correlate
and convolve
live in
, and are documented in Breeze Signal Processing
Sometimes we want to apply an operation to every row or column of a
matrix, as a unit. For instance, you might want to compute the mean of
each row, or add a vector to every column. Adapting a matrix so that
operations can be applied columnwise or rowwise is called
broadcasting. Languages like R and numpy automatically and
implicitly do broadcasting, meaning they won’t stop you if you
accidentally add a matrix and a vector. In Breeze, you have to signal
your intent using the broadcasting operator *
. The *
is meant to
evoke “foreach” visually. Here are some examples:
val dm = DenseMatrix((1.0,2.0,3.0),
val res = dm(::, *) + DenseVector(3.0, 4.0)
assert(res === DenseMatrix((4.0, 5.0, 6.0), (8.0, 9.0, 10.0)))
res(::, *) := DenseVector(3.0, 4.0)
assert(res === DenseMatrix((3.0, 3.0, 3.0), (4.0, 4.0, 4.0)))
val m = DenseMatrix((1.0, 3.0), (4.0, 4.0))
assert(mean(m(*, ::)) === DenseVector(2.0, 4.0))
assert(mean(m(::, *)) === DenseMatrix((2.5, 3.5)))
Breeze contains a fairly comprehensive set of special functions under
the Breeze.numerics._
import. These functions can be applied to single
elements, vectors or matrices of Doubles. This includes versions of the
special functions from scala.math
that can be applied to vectors and
matrices. Any function acting on a basic numeric type can “vectorized”,
to a UFunc function, which can act elementwise on vectors and matrices:
val v = DenseVector(1.0,2.0,3.0)
exp(v) // == DenseVector(2.7182818284590455, 7.38905609893065, 20.085536923187668)
UFuncs can also be used in-place on Vectors and Matrices:
val v = DenseVector(1.0,2.0,3.0)
exp(v) // == DenseVector(2.7182818284590455, 7.38905609893065, 20.085536923187668)
Some UFuncs are more like “reduction” functions than like “vectorized functions.” For instance, sum computes the sum of the entries in a matrix or vector.
val r = DenseMatrix.rand(5,5)
// sum all elements
and mean
can also operate on the rows or columns of a matrix
independently, using broadcasting:
// mean of each row into a single column
mean(r(*, ::))
// sum of each column into a single row
sum(r(::, *))
The UFunc trait is similar to numpy’s concept of ufuncs. See UFunc for more information on Breeze UFuncs.
If you make use of complex numbers, you will want to include a
import. This declares a i
variable, and provides
implicit conversions from Scala’s basic types to complex types.
Compared to Numpy and Matlab, Breeze requires you to be more explicit about the types of your variables. When you create a new vector for example, you must specify a type (such as in DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)
) in cases where a type can not be inferred automatically. Automatic inference will occur when you create a vector by passing its initial values in (DenseVector
). A common mistake is using integers for initialisation (i.e. DenseVector
), which would give a matrix of integers instead of doubles. Both Numpy and Matlab would default to doubles instead.
Breeze will not convert integers to doubles for you in most expressions. Simple operations like a :+ 3
when a
is a DenseVector[Double]
will not compile.
Breeze uses netlib-java for its core linear algebra routines. This includes all the cubic time operations, matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplication. Special efforts are taken to ensure that arrays are not copied.
Netlib-java will attempt to load system optimised BLAS/LAPACK if they
are installed, falling back to the reference natives, falling back to
pure Java. Set your logger settings to ALL
for the
package to check the status, and to
for a more detailed breakdown. Read the
netlib-java project page for more details.
Currently vectors and matrices over types other than Double
, Float
and Int
are boxed, and will typically be a lot slower. If you find
yourself needing other AnyVal types like Long
or Short
, please ask
on the list about possibly adding support for them.
Breeze is a numerical processing library for Scala. http://www.scalanlp.org