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Breeze is a generic, clean and powerful Scala numerical processing library patterned after NumPy, Matlab and R and licensed under Apache Public License 2.0. Breeze, the successor to Scalala, provides dense linear algebra, numerical routines, optimization, random number generators and signal processing among others. The latest release is 0.11.2 and the current version is 0.12-SNAPSHOT. The minimum Scala version is 2.11.1 for the 2.11.x series and 2.10.3 for the 2.10.x series
Breeze is a part of ScalaNLP project, a scientific computing platform for Scala. Other modules are Epic (Natural Language Processing and Structured Prediction), Puck (A GPU-based Natural Language Parser) and Junto (label propagation).
Discuss and get help on our mailing list or StackOverflow questions using scala-breeze tag. Want to contribute?
- Fast Installation, below
- A Linear Algebra Cheat Sheet for people who know matlab or numpy, or for people who just want a quick reference
- A Signal Processing Cheat Sheet
- A somewhat dated, incomplete Quickstart guide
- A guide to UFuncs, including how to make UFuncs work with custom datatypes
Install Breeze in two shakes using sbt or see other installation ways:
$ sbt
set libraryDependencies += "org.scalanlp" % "breeze_2.11" % "0.11.2"
set resolvers += "Sonatype Releases" at "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/"
set scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
Once you have Breeze installed, see our quickstart and this introduction!
Breeze is a numerical processing library for Scala. http://www.scalanlp.org