Static types for the CreateJS API for Scala.js programs.
Add the following to your sbt build definition:
resolvers += "amateras-repo" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.scalawarrior" %%% "scalajs-createjs" % "0.0.2"
and add following import statement to the head of your Scala.js program:
import com.scalawarrior.scalajs.createjs._
then enjoy CreateJS in Scala.js!
// Declare the stage
val stage = new Stage("demoCanvas")
val w = stage.canvas.width
val h = stage.canvas.height
// Define images
val manifest = js.Array(
js.Dictionary("src" -> "background.png", "id" -> "background"),
js.Dictionary("src" -> "knight.png", "id" -> "knight")
// Pre-load images
val loader = new LoadQueue(false)
loader.addEventListener("complete", (e: Object) => {
// Assemble shapes on the stage
val background = new Shape()"background")).drawRect(0, 0, w, h)
var spriteSheet = new SpriteSheet(js.Dictionary(
"framerate" -> 30,
"images" -> js.Array(loader.getResult("knight")),
"frames" -> js.Dictionary("regX" -> -70, "height" -> 88, "count" -> 64, "regY" -> -60, "width" -> 74)
val knight = new Sprite(spriteSheet);
stage.addChild(background, knight);