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hojo edited this page Sep 27, 2012 · 5 revisions


This low-level API is the common ground between all REST services. For specific applications, it may be more suitable to use the ID API or the VFS API.

Operations on buckets

This group of functions performs operations on buckets: listing, creation, etc.

REST API bucket functions

  • dpl_list_all_my_buckets() Lists all the caller's buckets.
  • dpl_make_bucket() Creates a bucket.
  • dpl_list_bucket() Lists the content of a bucket.

REST API bucket input parameters

  • ctx The droplet context.
  • location_constraint Creates a bucket with specific location constraints.
  • bucket A container for stored objects.
  • canned_acl Simplified access control list setting.
  • prefix A character or string at the start of an object name.
  • delimiter A character or string at the end of an object name.

REST API bucket output parameters

  • dpl_status_t Return code for function status (errors/success).
  • vecp A vector of strings containing bucket names.
  • objectsp List of objects.
  • common_prefixesp A prefix that extends past a delimiter, typically involving a path with a separator.

REST API bucket prototypes

#include <droplet.h>
dpl_list_all_my_buckets(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
                        dpl_vec_t **vecp);

dpl_make_bucket(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
                char *bucket, 
                dpl_location_constraint_t location_constraint, 
                dpl_canned_acl_t canned_acl);

dpl_list_bucket(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
                char *bucket, 
                char *prefix, 
                char *delimiter, 
                dpl_vec_t **objectsp,
                dpl_vec_t **common_prefixesp);

dpl_deletebucket(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
                 char *bucket);

Operations on objects

REST API object functions

  • dpl_put() Adds objects to a bucket.
  • dpl_put_buffered() Adds objects to a bucket from a buffered input stream.
  • dpl_get() Returns objects from storage.
  • dpl_get_buffered() Returns objects from a bucket to a buffered output stream.
  • dpl_delete() Marks objects for deletion.
  • dpl_head() Returns metadata from object headers.

REST API object input parameters

  • resource Resource name of the object.
  • subresource Component of the object.
  • metadata Metadata of the object.
  • data_buf The object body.
  • data_len The object length.
  • condition Condition for returning an object or its header.
  • header_func Callback function for every header found in the HTTP response.
  • buffer_func Callback function for every chunk of data in the HTTP response.
  • cb_arg User-defined callback argument (closure).

REST API object output parameters

  • connp Returns connection handles. Caller must free resource after use by calling dpl_conn_release() or dpl_conn_terminate().
  • data_bufp Returns object body. Caller must release resource after use by calling dpl_free().
  • data_lenp Returns object length.
  • metadatap Returns object metadata. Caller must release resource after use by calling dpl_dict_free().

REST API object prototypes

dpl_post(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
         char *bucket, 
         char *resource, 
         char *subresource, 
         dpl_option_t *option,
         dpl_ftype_t object_type, 
         dpl_dict_t *metadata, 
         dpl_sysmd_t *sysmd, 
         char *data_buf, 
         u_int data_len, 
         dpl_dict_t *query_params, 
         char **resource_idp);

dpl_post_buffered(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
                  char *bucket, 
                  char *resource, 
                  char *subresource, 
                  dpl_option_t *option,
                  dpl_ftype_t object_type, 
                  dpl_dict_t *metadata,
                  dpl_sysmd_t *sysmd, 
                  u_int data_len, 
                  dpl_dict_t *query_params, 
                  dpl_conn_t **connp);

dpl_put(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
        char *bucket, 
        char *resource, 
        char *subresource,
        dpl_option_t *option, 
        dpl_ftype_t object_type,  
        dpl_dict_t *metadata, 
        dpl_sysmd_t *sysmd,  
        char *data_buf, 
        u_int data_len);

dpl_put_buffered(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
                 char *bucket, 
                 char *resource, 
                 char *subresource,
                 dpl_option_t *option,  
                 dpl_ftype_t object_type, 
                 dpl_dict_t *metadata, 
                 dpl_sysmd_t *sysmd,  
                 u_int data_len, 
                 dpl_conn_t **connp);

dpl_get(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
        char *bucket, 
        char *resource, 
        char *subresource, 
        dpl_option_t *option, 
        dpl_ftype_t object_type, 
        dpl_condition_t *condition,
        dpl_range_t *range,  
        char **data_bufp, 
        u_int *data_lenp, 
        dpl_dict_t **metadatap,
        dpl_sysmd_t *sysmdp);

dpl_get_buffered(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
                 char *bucket, 
                 char *resource, 
                 char *subresource,
                 dpl_option_t *option, 
                 dpl_ftype_t object_type,  
                 dpl_condition_t *condition,
                 dpl_range_t *range 
                 dpl_metadatum_func_t metadatum_func, 
                 dpl_dict_t **metadatap,
                 dpl_sysmd_t *sysmdp, 
                 dpl_buffer_func_t buffer_func, 
                 void *cb_arg);

dpl_head(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
         char *bucket, 
         char *resource, 
         char *subresource, 
         dpl_option_t *option
         dpl_condition_t *condition, 
         dpl_dict_t **metadatap,
         dpl_sysmd_t *sysmdp);

dpl_head_all(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
             char *bucket, 
             char *resource, 
             char *subresource, 
             dpl_option_t *option
             dpl_condition_t *condition, 
             dpl_dict_t **metadatap);

dpl_delete(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
           char *bucket, 
           char *resource, 
           char *subresource);

dpl_status_t dpl_genurl(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
                        char *bucket, 
                        char *resource, 
                        char *subresource, 
                        dpl_option_t *option,
                        time_t expires, 
                        char *buf, 
                        u_int len, 
                        u_int *lenp);

dpl_copy(dpl_ctx_t *ctx, 
         char *src_bucket, 
         char *src_resource, 
         char *src_subresource, 
         char *dst_bucket, 
         char *dst_resource, 
         char *dst_subresource, 
         dpl_option_t *option,
         dpl_ftype_t object_type, 
         dpl_copy_directive_t copy_directive, 
         dpl_dict_t *metadata, 
         dpl_sysmd_t *sysmd, 
         dpl_condition_t *condition);