Repository For Group Project
- signup - "/user/signup"
This endpoint is used to register a new user in the Quora Application.
- signin - "/user/signin"
This endpoint is used for user authentication. The user authenticates in the application and after successful authentication, JWT token is given to a user.
- signout - "/user/signout"
This endpoint is used to sign out from the Quora Application. The user cannot access any other endpoint once he is signed out of the application.
- userProfile - "/userprofile/{userId}"
This endpoint is used to get the details of any user in the Quora Application. This endpoint can be accessed by any user in the application.
- userDelete - "/admin/user/{userId}"
This endpoint is used to delete a user from the Quora Application. Only an admin is authorized to access this endpoint.
- createQuestion - "/question/create"
This endpoint is used to create a question in the Quora Application which will be shown to all the users. Any user can access this endpoint.
- getAllQuestions - "/question/all"
This endpoint is used to fetch all the questions that have been posted in the application by any user. Any user can access this endpoint.
- editQuestionContent - "/question/edit/{questionId}"
This endpoint is used to edit a question that has been posted by a user. Note, only the owner of the question can edit the question.
- deleteQuestion - "/question/delete/{questionId}"
This endpoint is used to delete a question that has been posted by a user. Note, only the question owner of the question or admin can delete a question.
- getAllQuestionsByUser - "question/all/{userId}"
This endpoint is used to fetch all the questions posed by a specific user. Any user can access this endpoint.
- createAnswer - "/question/{questionId}/answer/create"
This endpoint is used to create an answer to a particular question. Any user can access this endpoint.
- editAnswerContent - "/answer/edit/{answerId}"
This endpoint is used to edit an answer. Only the owner of the answer can edit the answer.
- deleteAnswer - "/answer/delete/{answerId}"
This endpoint is used to delete an answer. Only the owner of the answer or admin can delete an answer.
- getAllAnswersToQuestion - "answer/all/{questionId}"
This endpoint is used to get all answers to a particular question. Any user can access this endpoint.