Spring Data Generator for JPA repositories and managers.
- Generate in Runtime
- Generate by Plugin
- Generate repositories for JPA Entities
- Generate managers for JPA Entities
- EntityScan wrapped annotation
- Overwrite option
- Support JpaSpecificationExcecutor<?>
- Support @EmbeddedId annotation
- @Id or @EmbeddedId primitive support
- Package structure support
- Additional extends support
- Lombok support
- Jakarta support
- Java 11
- Spring data JPA
Download the jar through Maven:
The simple Spring Data JPA configuration with Java-Config looks like this:
entityPackage = "com.acme.model",
repositoryPackage = "com.acme.repositories",
managerPackage = "com.acme.managers",
repositoryPostfix = "Repository",
managerPostfix = "Manager",
onlyAnnotations = false,
debug = false,
overwrite = false,
additionalExtends = {
lombokAnnotations = false,
withComments = true
public class AppConfig {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(WebApplication.class, args);
Attribute | Required | Default | Description |
entityPackage | No | [] | Entity scan package |
repositoryPackage | No | "" | Package where the repositories will be generated |
managerPackage | No | "" | Package where the managers will be generated |
repositoryPostfix | No | "Repository" | Postfix for repositories. example: AccountRepository |
managerPostfix | No | "Manager" | Postfix for managers. example: AccountManager |
onlyAnnotations | No | false | Scan only classes annotated with @SDGenerate or @SDNoGenerate |
debug | No | false | Enable debug log |
overwrite | No | false | Overwrite existing files |
additionalExtends | No | [] | Extension of additional interfaces |
lombok-annotations | No | false | Support Lombok annotations |
with-comments | No | true | Class comments activation |
Download the jar through Maven:
Attribute | Required | Default | Description |
entity-package | Yes | [] | Entity scan package |
repository-package | Yes | "" | Package where the repositories will be generated |
manager-package | Yes | "" | Package where the managers will be generated |
repository-postfix | No | "Repository" | Postfix for repositories. example: AccountRepository |
manager-postfix | No | "Manager" | Postfix for managers. example: AccountManager |
onlyAnnotations | No | false | Scan only classes annotated with @SDGenerate or @SDNoGenerate |
overwrite | No | false | Overwrite existing files |
additional-extends | No | [] | Extension of additional interfaces |
lombok-annotations | No | false | Support Lombok annotations |
with-comments | No | true | Class comments activation |
$ mvn spring-data-generator:repositories
$ mvn spring-data-generator:managers
Sample entity in com.acme.model
//import javax.persistence.Entity; //javax persistence support
//import javax.persistence.Id; //javax persistence support
import jakarta.persistence.Entity; //jakarta persistence support
import jakarta.persistence.Id; //jakarta persistence support
//@SDGenerate -> Optional: Include to classes scan
//@SDNoGenerate -> Optional: Exclude to classes scan
public class Account {
private Long id;
private String firstname;
private String lastname;
// Getters and setters
// (Firstname, Lastname)-constructor and noargs-constructor
// equals / hashcode
Generate a repository interface example in com.acme.repositories
public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository<Account, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Account> {
Generate a manager class example in com.acme.managers
Without Lombok
public class AccountManager {
private final AccountRepository accountRepository;
public AccountManager(AccountRepository accountRepository) {
this.accountRepository = accountRepository;
With Lombok
public class AccountManager {
private final AccountRepository accountRepository;
- The overwrite option delete the existing file to regenerate
- The generation of repositories and managers inherits the entity package. Example: