Cabin is a promising scan index for main-memory analytical database that can achieve better time-space tradeoff than state-of-the-art scan solutions for the scan operations in-memory column stores. [1]
This code repository provides a prototype implement for Cabin and tested in 64-bit Ubuntu Server 20.04 and g++ 9.4 with optimization flag -O3 and SIMD flag -mavx, -mavx2, -mbmi1, -mbmi2.
#in the root directory of Cabin's repository
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
#in the root directory of Cabin's repository
cd bin
#case 1 (test Cabin with a secific selectivity (for example: 50%))
./Cabin -s 10000000 -p 0 -y 50 -a 0
#case 2 (test Cabin with 0~100% selectivities (step 0.1%))
./Cabin -s 10000000 -p 1 -a 0
#case 3 (test Cabin with a given query workload)
./Cabin -s 10000000 -p 2 -a 0
#case 4 (test Cabin with a given query workload and a specified space budget (for example: 0.0745GB))
./Cabin -s 10000000 -p 3 -a 0 -m 0.0745
You can also customize the test cases you want in the test.cpp and test.h files based on the relevant functions.
Possible reasons of bugs:
test cases not currently covered.
test cases not currently implemented.
errors caused by differences in compilers, architectures, etc.
The parameters are determined based on our own test machine and could vary on other devices.
- The parameters for estimating performance in the optimal design algorithm.
- The prefetch stride applied during the refinement of the middle result.
[1] Yiyuan Chen, Shimin Chen: Cabin: A Compressed Adaptive Binned Scan Index. Proc. ACM Manag. Data 2(1): 57:1-57:26 (2024)