ImageJ plugin auto_qc
Created by group 4 of the NEUBIAS trainingschool 11.
Erick Ratamero, Cesar Augusto Valades Cruz, Christopher Schmied, Jan Eckhardt, Paul Stroe.
Based on the .py script from Erick Ratamero:
IMPORTANT: Depends on a .jar from MetroloJ! Please download from the website:
========================================================================================== Citations:
Based on ImageJ: Schneider, C. A.; Rasband, W. S. & Eliceiri, K. W. (2012), "NIH Image to ImageJ: 25 years of image analysis", Nature methods 9(7): 671-675, PMID 22930834
Used to run Fiji in the background: Schindelin, J.; Arganda-Carreras, I. & Frise, E. et al. (2012), "Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis", Nature methods 9(7): 676-682, PMID 22743772, doi:10.1038/nmeth.2019
Uses the following plugins: bioformats ( Melissa Linkert, Curtis T. Rueden, Chris Allan, Jean-Marie Burel, Will Moore, Andrew Patterson, Brian Loranger, Josh Moore, Carlos Neves, Donald MacDonald, Aleksandra Tarkowska, Caitlin Sticco, Emma Hill, Mike Rossner, Kevin W. Eliceiri, and Jason R. Swedlow (2010) Metadata matters: access to image data in the real world. The Journal of Cell Biology 189(5), 777-782. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201004104
MetroloJ ( Cédric Matthews and Fabrice P. Cordelieres, MetroloJ : an ImageJ plugin to help monitor microscopes' health, in ImageJ User & Developer Conference 2010 proceedings
========================================================================================== Acknowledgements
Special thanks goes to: Robert Haase Jean-Yves Tinevez For their help and guidance
NEUBIAS and NEUBIAS TS11 organisers for creating the environment
Title: Automatic PSF quality measurement
Input file: a file of the specified file format (file extension) containing the string "psf"
Example data used for testing this was named 100_psf_auxin_sf01_R3D.dv
Dimension: 1024x1024x21 16Bit
Pixelsize: 0.04031x0.04031x0.15 micron (Metadata matters)
Content: PSFs from flourescent beads The usual PSF measurement criteria apply: Well separated beads, not too dense, subresolution.
Output: summary table with quality measurements per bead Will be written into the base input directory
Input parameters - mostly hardcoded for now
Input file - GUI interaction that points to any file where the input files are From this the base directory is extracted
File extension: self-explanatory
Number of beads: how many beads should be analysed
Correction factors: multiplying factor for the FWHM resolution output from MetroloJ, per dimension
minSeparation: minimal distance (probably in pixels?) that two PSFs need to be separated by to be considered
Finds the relevant stack within the specified diretory that contains the bead measurement. Opens the stack using bioformats importer. Crops the stack to get the center of the field of view. Gets the slice that is in focus (max standard deviation). Detects the beads via maximum detection. Takes the location of the point detection. Extracts the intensity of the pixel at that point. Selects the specified number of beads with the lowest intensity that are well separated. Crops out these selected beads from the stack. Applies PSFprofiler of the MetroloJ plugin to get resolution of microscope.
Functions of the plugin:
run: Opens dialog for choosing a file. Gets based path of file.
readFile: Opens file using Bioformats import. Calls processing function. Specifies result file. Calls WriteFile to save result table.
processing: Crops the image to get middle of the field of view. Finds the in Focus slice via maximum standard deviation. Detects maxima in the in Focus slice. Gets coordinates of ROIs and gets Pixel Value at this coordinate. Sorts the Pixel coordinates by the intensity value. Selects beads based on specified criteria. Crops out the PSFs Calls GetRes function to get Resolution values. Multiplies the resolution values with the correction factors.
WriteFile: Writes the result files with header
GetRes: Calls the PSF Profiler of MetroloJ on cropped PSF
User interaction with GUI
Images are shown at the moment (batchmode?)
Close opened images
Documentation of the code
Clean up code