dotnet lib for the opensky-network.org api
var client = new OpenSkyClient();
//Alternative with credentials
var client = new OpenSkyClient("Username", "Password");
// Close Connection to opensky-network.org endpoint
//Get all current states
var result = await client.GetStatesAsync();
//Get all states from specific time.
var result = await client.GetStatesAsync(time: DateTime.UtcNow);
//Get all states for specific ICAO24 transponder address. ICAO24 must be given in hex representation.
var result = await client.GetStatesAsync(icao24: new[] { "abc9f3", "3e1bf9" });
Works only when credentials are given
//Get all current states
var result = await client.GetMyStatesAsync();
//Get all states from specific time.
var result = await client.GetMyStatesAsync(time: DateTime.UtcNow);
//Get all states for specific ICAO24 transponder address. ICAO24 must be given in hex representation.
var result = await client.GetMyStatesAsync(icao24: new[] { "abc9f3", "3e1bf9" });
//Get all states for subset of your receivers.
var result = await client.GetMyStatesAsync(serials: new[] { 1, 2, 3 });
//TODO: Table for Result Propertys
Track flight
var observable = client.TrackFlight("acb84d");
observable.Subscribe(new FlightSubscription());
class FlightSubscription : IObserver<IStateVector>
public void OnCompleted()
public void OnError(Exception error)
public void OnNext(IStateVector value)
Console.WriteLine(value.CallSign + " - " + value.Latitude + " | " + value.Longitude);
RestApi Reference: (https://opensky-network.org/apidoc)