Batch processing based on 3 main compoments :
- scheduler : based on Quartz
- processor : based on Spring-batch (with DB repository)
- api : management, executions reports ...
Leverage docker swarm 1.12 +
- scheduler : service (replicas=1), provide an API to schedule/update jobs
- the scheduler leverages the service vip, ensuring the processor load balancing
- the api is also multi replicated
maven clean install
java -jar target/batch-scheduler.jar
java -jar target/batch-processor.jar
Based on spring-data-rest-webmvc in order to pusblish a read only API about spring-batch jobs executions
java -jar target/batch-admin.jar
mvn clean package docker:build -DpushImage
- A cluster swarm is up and running
- An existing overlay network "my-network" or other ...
- A PostgreSQL server instance
docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
- A "batch" database with a specific user (batch/batch)
docker run -it --rm --link some-postgres:postgres postgres psql -h postgres -U postgres
Set the replicas equals to 1, in order to troubleshoot.
docker service create --name processor --replicas 1 \
--network my-network scizeron/batch-processor:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT<db_host>
By default, the db connection info are listed below. Use --var in the command line to override :
- db.batch.port=5432
- db.batch.username=batch
- db.batch.password=batch
docker service create --name scheduler --replicas 1 \
--network my-network --endpoint-mode vip \
--publish 80:7000 scizeron/batch-scheduler:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT \
curl http://<swarm_node_host>/v1/jobs returns an empty array at the begining.
curl -X POST -d '{"jobName":"test", "clientId": "clientId", "description": "desc", "cronExpression": "0 * 14 * * ?"}' http://<swarm_node_host>/v1/jobs
- Find the node where task is running : docker service ps
- Connect to the host, "docker ps" allows you to get the container id
- To display the application logs : docker logs -f <container_id>
docker service scale processor=2
docker service create --name admin --replicas 1 \
--network my-network --endpoint-mode vip \
--publish 82:7002 scizeron/batch-admin:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT \<db_host>
curl http://<swarm_node_host>/api/batchJobExecutions