TypeScript decorator to create getters/setters for a Vuex state.
The main purpose is to use v-model
directive without the overhead of manually creating simple getters and setters.
Check vuex-class repository for a lot more Vuex decorators!
$ npm install --save vuex-class-state2way
# or
$ yarn add vuex-class-state2way
- Get
from the state, and commit"mutation name"
to update this variable in the state
@State2Way("mutation name") variable_name
- Get
from the state and set its value to the variableother_name
, and commit"mutation name"
to update this variable in the state
@State2Way("mutation name", "variable_name") other_name
- To get a deep value, you can do both:
@State2Way("mutation name", state => state.foo.bar) fooBar // you get type checking
@State2Way("mutation name", "foo.bar") fooBar
import Vue from 'vue'
import Component from 'vue-class-component'
import { State2Way } from 'vuex-class-state2way'
export class Comp extends Vue {
@State2Way('updateFoo', 'foo') stateFoo
@State2Way('updateBar') bar
@State2Way('updateFooBar', 'foobar.example') stateFooBarExample
@State2Way('updateFooBar', state => state.foobar.example) stateFooBarExemple2