An event-driven, asynchronous and non-blocking SNMP library for Java and Scala, for highly scalable and performant SNMP management of network devices. Blaze is currently a work in progress and not suitable for production systems.
Blaze consists of:
- Blaze IO - an SNMP manager with a focus on high scalability, with mass throughput and low latency.
- Blaze API - (Future) a high level API for Blaze IO and/or SNMP4J.
Created by Scott Abernethy (github @scott-abernethy).
Blaze implements the SNMP protocol on top of the new Akka v2.2 IO library.
Supported operations:
- SNMP Get.
Here is a basic example in Scala. First some setup.
val system = ActorSystem("blaze")
// An SNMPv2 target
val address = new InetSocketAddress("", 161)
val community = "public"
// Some SNMP object identifiers to request
val sysUpTime = ObjectIdentifier(Seq(1,3,6,1,2,1,1,3,0))
val sysName = ObjectIdentifier(Seq(1,3,6,1,2,1,1,5,0))
Option 1: Simple service wrapper using Futures
val service = new SnmpServiceImpl(system)
val response: Future[GetResponse] = service.getRequest(Target(address, community), List(sysUpTime, sysName))
Option 2: Using base Actor
val handler = system.actorOf(Props[RequestHandler], "RequestHandler")
handler ! GetRequest(Target(address, community), List(sysUpTime, sysName))
// ... RequestHadler will reply with GetResponse
Blaze SNMP is distributed under the Apache License 2.0.