Updated to support 'mitsubishi_echonet' v0.5
This is a release to hopefully address potentially issues related to the non-availability of 'Outdoor Temperature' ECHONET values for some systems.
This was a feature/bug that was introduced in v0.4.1 of the 'mitsubishi_echonet' library which I think is adversely impacting the 'update' routine in the Home Assistant component for some users. This feature/bug was not present in v0.3 of the library which is why it was probably working for most users on prior release 2.0.1 of the custom component.
The underlying bug has been addressed in v0.5 of the 'mitsubishi_echonet' library.
If users are still having issues, please add the following debug logging to your 'configuration.yaml' file:
default: warning
custom_components.mitsubishi: debug
Look for the following details in the logs:
2021-06-12 08:46:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mitsubishi.climate] ECHONET lite HVAC X.X.X.X component added to HA
2021-06-12 08:46:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mitsubishi.climate] HVAC has the following get properties:
2021-06-12 08:46:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mitsubishi.climate] {'Operation status': 128, 'Air flow rate setting': 160, 'Operation mode setting': 176, 'Installation location': 129, 'Standard version information': 130, 'Identification number': 131, 'Set temperature value': 179, 'Manufacturers fault code': 134, 'Fault status': 136, 'Fault description': 137, 'Manufacturer code': 138, 'Measured value of room temperature': 187, 'Status change announcement property map': 157, 'Set property map': 158, 'Measured outdoor air temperature': 190, 'Operation power-saving': 143, 'Get property map': 159}
2021-06-12 08:46:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mitsubishi.climate] HVAC has the following set properties:
2021-06-12 08:46:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mitsubishi.climate] {'Operation status': 128, 'Installation location': 129, 'Operation power-saving': 143, 'Air flow rate setting': 160, 'Operation mode setting': 176, 'Set temperature value': 179}
That will give me a hint as to what any potential issues are when compared to my own setup.