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skScraft - BungeeCord syntaxes for Skript

skScraft - Easy to use BungeeCord syntaxes for Skript. With config to edit default messages (ex. Default message when stopping proxy server).

Versions Supported: 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, (1.14, 1.15, 1.16 follow INSTALLATION [MC 1.14-1.16])


To use skScraft you need to install some dependencies. Skript of course is the main one, but to make skScraft connect and communicate with BungeeCord, you need to upload BungeeBridge plugin on your Spigot server, and BungeeCord Proxy.


  • Don't forget to download Skript and BungeeBridge to make it work!
  • Skript -
  • Download BungeeBridge[1.9-1.13].zip, added to latest release of skScraft.
  • Unzip BungeeBridge[1.9-1.13].zip
  • Upload BungeeBridge_Client to all of your spigot servers, and BungeeBridge_Server to BungeeCord proxy!
  • Download latest release of skScraft.
  • Upload skScraft ONLY to your spigot server!
  • Launch BungeeCord proxy first, then Spigot server, and change config file of BungeeBridge if you need. (If you have different IP adresses of BungeeCord proxy and Spigot server in example.)
  • If you want to see some additional information (about why you have null, when you use one of syntaxes) go to skScraft directory, and set DEBUG MODE to true in config.yml. Then go back to the server and type command /skScraft reload in console or as a player.

INSTALLATION [MC 1.14-1.16]:

  • Don't forget to download Skript and BungeeBridge to make it work!
  • Skript -
  • Download BungeeBridge[1.14-1.16].zip, added to latest release of skScraft.
  • Unzip BungeeBridge[1.14-1.16].zip.
  • Upload BungeeBridge_Client to all of your spigot servers, and BungeeBridge_Server to BungeeCord proxy!
  • Download latest release of skScraft.
  • Upload skScraft ONLY to your spigot server!
  • Launch BungeeCord proxy first, then Spigot server, and change config file of BungeeBridge if you need. (If you have different IP adresses of BungeeCord proxy and Spigot server in example.)
  • If you want to see some additional information (about why you have null, when you use one of syntaxes) go to skScraft directory, and set DEBUG MODE to true in config.yml. Then go back to the server and type command /skScraft reload in console or as a player.

*Very important! When you will use skScraft syntaxes, use parasing player as text (ex. "%player%", "%arg-1%"). The main reason of that, is parasing online player by skript, can not work correctly, if player is not connected to the same server where the syntax is used. So always parse player as text, to make it working without problems!

NOT CORRECT -> ( if player is connected to bungeecord network )

CORRECT -> ( if "%player%" is connected to bungeecord network )



[player] %string% is connected to [bungeecord] network
server %string% is online
server %string% is offline


broadcast bungee[cord] message %string%
send bungee[cord] message %string% to [player] %string%
(send|connect) [player] %string% to bungee[cord] server %string%
execute command %string% on [bungee[cord]] network as [player] %string%
execute command %string% on [bungee[cord]] proxy
kick all players from [bungee[cord]] network [with message %string%]
stop [bungee[cord]] proxy [with message %string%]
kick %string% from bungeecord [network] due to %string%
send bungee[cord] actionbar %string% to [player] %string%
send bungee[cord] title %string% with subtitle %string% for %integer% [tick[s]] with %integer% [tick[s]] fade in and %integer% [tick[s]] fade out to [player] %string%
/!\ Don't use default timespan from skript. Title effect allow only for integers (1 = 1 tick | 20 = 1 second | 100 = 5 seconds | 1200 = 1 minute).


[bungee[cord]] server of [player] %string%
number of players on [bungee[cord]] network
number of players on [bungee[cord]] server %string%
[bungee[cord]] network uuid of [player] %string%
[number of] [max] slots of [bungee[cord]] server %string%
[bungee[cord]] network ip of [player] %string%%
name of [this] server on [bungee[cord]] network

[perfectly] centered text %string%
[perfectly] centered limited text %string% with max [limit] of %integer% [spaces]
  • [] - You don't need to use text inside of this characters (ex. [bungee[cord]] -> use bungeecord or bungee)

  • () - You can choose wich text you want to use (ex. (send|connect) -> use send or connect)



If you want me to add more bungeecord syntaxes to this addon, join to my discord server, and add your proposition on channel suggestions.


If you found any bugs or issue when using my addon, fell free to join to skScraft discord server. I will try to do my best to help you, and find the solution. ;).

skScraft Discord link -> My Discord ID -> 🚀 Scraft Official 🚀#9999


command /text:
    set {_text1} to perfectly centered text "Hi, this is a very good centered"
    set {_text2} to perfectly centered text "&lMESSAGE :D"
    send "%{_text1}%"
    send "%{_text2}%"

command /text2:
    set {_text1} to perfectly centered limited text "scraft" with max limit of 22 spaces
    set {_text2} to perfectly centered limited text "----" with max limit of 22 spaces
    send "%{_text1}%"
    send "%{_text2}%"
command /test:
    send ""
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6TO SEE THE REAL MAGIC IN CONSOLE:"
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6SET &dDEBUG MODE &6TO &dTRUE &6IN CONFIG"
    send ""

    loop 5 times:
      send "&eskScraft &e» &cStarting in &d%6-loop-number%&6."
      wait 20 ticks

    #Check if player is connected to network, VERY IMPORTAN PUT PLAYER AS TEXT NOT AS PLAYER!!! {"%player%", "%arg-1%", ect...}
    if "%player%" is connected to bungeecord network:
      send "&eskScraft &e» &6You are connected!"
      send "&eskScraft &e» &6Hmmmm, there is an issue! Is bungeecord connected?"

    wait 60 ticks

    if "scraft_official" is connected to bungeecord network:
      send "&eskScraft &e» &6Oh! Scraft is on your server?!"
      send "&eskScraft &e» &6Scraft_official is offline!"
      send "&eskScraft &e» &6You can send him pm to not be alone :P"

    wait 60 ticks
    #Check if server is ONline, VERY IMPORTAN PUT PLAYER AS TEXT NOT AS PLAYER!!! {"%player%", "%arg-1%", ect...}
    if server "servername2" is online:
      send "&eskScraft &e» &6Servername2 is online!"
      send "&eskScraft &e» &6Servername2 is offline!"

    wait 60 ticks
    #Check if server is OFFline, VERY IMPORTAN PUT PLAYER AS TEXT NOT AS PLAYER!!! {"%player%", "%arg-1%", ect...}
    set {_server} to bungeecord server of "%player%"
    if server {_server} is offline:
      send "&eskScraft &e» &6Your server %{_server}% is offline! Wait, what????? How did you run the command???"
      send "&eskScraft &e» &6Nope! Your server %{_server}%&6 is online!"

    wait 60 ticks

    #Get the server of given player, VERY IMPORTAN PUT PLAYER AS TEXT NOT AS PLAYER!!! {"%player%", "%arg-1%", ect...}
    set {_server} to bungeecord server of "%player%"
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6You are connected to %{_server}%&6!"

    wait 60 ticks

    #Get number of players on the given server.
    set {_online} to number of players on bungeecord server "servername2"
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6The server should be offline, and give <NONE>."
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6Result %{_online}%."

    wait 60 ticks

    set {_server} to bungeecord server of "%player%"
    set {_online} to number of players on bungeecord server {_server}
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6Players connected to your server: %{_online}%"

    wait 60 ticks

    #Get number of players connected to bungeecord network.
    set {_online} to number of players on bungeecord network
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6The number of connected players to network is: %{_online}%"

    wait 60 ticks
    #Broadcast given message to all bungee cord servers.
    broadcast bungeecord message "&eskScraft &e» &6skScraft is amazing! It can broadcast messages!"
    wait 60 ticks

    #Send message to certain player, VERY IMPORTAN PUT PLAYER AS TEXT NOT AS PLAYER!!! {"%player%", "%arg-1%", ect...}
    send bungee message "&eskScraft &e» &6It can send messages to given player!" to "%player%"
    wait 60 ticks

    #Connect player to given server, VERY IMPORTAN PUT PLAYER AS TEXT NOT AS PLAYER!!! {"%player%", "%arg-1%", ect...}
    connect player "%player%" to bungeecord server "servername2"
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6You can connect player to another server of your network, for this example it will give no results."

    #set {_online} to number of players on bungeecord server (bungeecord server of "%player%")
    #if server (bungeecord server of "%player%") is online:

    wait 120 ticks
    send ""
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6THIS WAS LAST EXAMPLE"
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6IF YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION FOR NEW FEATURE"
    send "&eskScraft &e» &6JOIN TO skScraft DISCORD SERVER:"
    send "&eskScraft &e» &d"