cli of utils. a cross-platform command-line interface (CLI) utilities toolkit powered by Node.js. simplify and enhance the daily development experience for developers by providing a suite of powerful, efficient, and user-friendly CLI tools.
Supported Windows, Linux, or MacOS.
npm i -g @screw-hand/cli
$ cli
Usage: cli / cli-me [options] [command]
cli of utils.
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
json-file|json <string> <filename> make object or json string to a json file
string-to-arr|s2a [options] <string> make string join in array with character, will default copy to clipboard
generate-code|gc [options] <template> <configList> generate code
help [command] display help for command
The example directory where you can find example.
using by cli[command]-fn.js
using by Node.js
node example/[command]-(fn|cli).js
git clone
nvm install
nvm use
npm i -g [email protected]
pnpm i
pnpm link --global
cli --help
cli --version
npm i -g nnrm
nrm use npm
npm login
npm whoami
npm run publish:[**]
npm publish --access=public