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Releases: scribd/LiveCollections


07 Nov 20:52
Choose a tag to compare

• Increase stability by testing for mismatching deltas and defaulting to reloadData
• Adds a new delegate function inaccurateDeltaDetected to allow logging/debugging.


01 Sep 18:11
Choose a tag to compare
  • Update CollectionDataAnimationDelegate to include more timing options.
  • Update minimum version to iOS 11.0.

LiveCollections v1

11 Jan 18:23
Choose a tag to compare

This is the official first major release of LiveCollections, a framework that will calculate the difference between two immutable data sets and perform the animation logic in the table or collection view for you.

It has full support built in for the UIKit classes UITableView and UICollectionView, and can also be customized to support custom classes.

Using LiveCollections you can automate collection animations without writing any animation code at all!

Instead just perform three short steps:

  1. Adopt the UniquelyIdentifiable protocol on your data type.
  2. Create a CollectionData object to hold the data and receive updated arrays.
  3. Point the CollectionData object to your view.

And LiveCollections will animate the change between your data sets without any additional information required.