What's Changed
- Schematics/markdown folder by @jorgeucano in #3
- feat(LICENCE): add MIT LICENSE by @Villanuevand in #2
- Remove stale route by @SanderElias in #7
- refactor(app): remove project name by @Villanuevand in #8
- Remove some stale files by @SanderElias in #9
- remove redundant checks for scully.json by @SanderElias in #10
- Schematics/scully config js by @jorgeucano in #11
- Documentation alpha 01 by @Villanuevand in #12
- Schematics/fix pre alpha by @jorgeucano in #15
- More and improved samples and error messages by @SanderElias in #17
- Add support for asciidoc by @SanderElias in #19
- Sander/fix orange by @SanderElias in #20
- Schematics/fix dasherize spaces name by @jorgeucano in #21
- Documentation alpha 01 by @Villanuevand in #14
- schematics(remove): remove heroRoute for the basic config by @jorgeucano in #22
- Fix log spelling by @HZooly in #24
- Fix typo by @mraible in #25
- Fix ng-add to allow to be ran multiple times by @beeman in #35
- docs(templates): add bug report template by @Villanuevand in #37
- Schematics/project prefix by @jorgeucano in #38
- refactor(docs): bug report and feature request by @Villanuevand in #39
- Docs fix errors pre alpha by @Villanuevand in #26
- Updated blog.md by @RichTillis in #42
- fix(cli): fs_extra_1.pathExists is not a function by @Splaktar in #32
- Added a way to detect Scully by @SanderElias in #45
- refactor(docs): add minor fixes and enhancements by @Villanuevand in #44
- Remove whitespace in bug report template by @Markus-Ende in #49
- refactor(docs): add important text about routes by @Villanuevand in #50
- README.md typo fixes by @EatonZ in #54
- fix: type slugs as possibly non-empty by @LayZeeDK in #53
- Sander/work on contextof vm by @SanderElias in #51
- small improvements to the getting-started doc by @IxquitilisSaid in #58
- docs(npm): add readme.md for npm by @Villanuevand in #60
- docs(scully): add scully's CONTRIBUTING.md by @Villanuevand in #63
- feat(registerplugin): make configValidators optional by @SanderElias in #70
- fix(ng-lib): correct httpclient import by @SanderElias in #69
- Throw a waring when outFolder isn't defines in
by @SanderElias in #67 - fix(asciidoc logging): hide the asciidocs logging by @SanderElias in #68
- Fix/watch mode by @jorgeucano in #59
- docs(scully): add issue template for docs by @Villanuevand in #71
- docs(scully): remove angular references by @Villanuevand in #72
- fix(ng-lib): correct ModuleWithProviders by @LayZeeDK in #75
- fix(scully): lint issues and typos by @Splaktar in #77
- docs(scully): add Office hours information by @Villanuevand in #81
- docs(scully): add office hours information to NPM by @Villanuevand in #82
- docs(scully): add pull request template by @Villanuevand in #83
- docs(scully): put link to set up angular project & note needed chromium support by @willi84 in #85
- docs: fix typos/update docs by @beeman in #91
- docs(scully): add link to Gitter in the docs by @Villanuevand in #95
- refactor(docs): Add extra information about plugins. by @aaronfrost in #99
- docs(scully): add link to contribution guidelines by @willi84 in #86
- docs(scully): add signing the cla section by @Villanuevand in #103
- docs(scully): fix code styling by @Villanuevand in #101
- docs(scully): add info about zero pre-rendered pages #3 by @willi84 in #105
- test(ng-lib): working test suites by @LayZeeDK in #96
- docs(scully): update office hours info by @Villanuevand in #117
- docs(scully): update readme.md to NPMJS by @Villanuevand in #119
- fix(scully): make sure scully emits non-zero exit code on errors by @beeman in #115
- Config load with require by @SanderElias in #125
- fix: make sure devDependencies are marked as such by @beeman in #110
- chore(docs): improve getting started by @stewones in #116
- feat(sully): prepare scully for running inside Docker container by @beeman in #109
- docs(scully): add right link to sign CLA by @Villanuevand in #129
- docs(scully): describe syntax highlighting by @d-koppenhagen in #120
- Add warnings by @SanderElias in #133
- fix(scully): render doctype by @puku0x in #132
- feat(scully): Add replaceFirstRouteParamWithVal util by @aaronfrost in #123
- docs(scully): fix link to CONTRIBUTING.md file by @Villanuevand in #135
- fix(scully): fix the pointer in the package.json to point at the bin … by @aaronfrost in #141
- feat(scully): allow specify headers when using the JSON plugin by @d-koppenhagen in #140
- feat(config): add extraRoutes to scully.config by @aaronfrost in #139
- improvement(scully): add routes validation by @Villanuevand in #136
- fix(scully-content.component): don't try to re-render content when navigating one level "up" by @SanderElias in #145
- Sander/wildcard route by @SanderElias in #146
- feat(transferstateservice): add support fo transfering state from bui… by @aaronfrost in #138
- refactor(scully): add husky and pretty-quick by @Villanuevand in #147
- feat(schematics): add prompts by @timdeschryver in #89
- feat(transferstateservice): Fix ngc error by @aaronfrost in #152
- improvement(scully): export built-in plugins by @aaronfrost in #153
- chore(script): 🤖 add commit select for commit only the file the pr need by @jorgeucano in #158
- Postrenderers addition by @SanderElias in #160
- feat(schematics): add support for nx monorepos by @jorgeucano in #162
- fix(scully readme): put readme back on npm by @SanderElias in #165
- Sander/void plugin by @SanderElias in #164
- Feat/schematic options by @d-koppenhagen in #149
- docs(scully): add content about scully.config and plugins by @Villanuevand in #163
- docs(transferstate): add TransferState example to sampleBlog by @aaronfrost in #167
- fix(ng-add): fix error with httpClientModule import by @jorgeucano in #168
- feat(ng-add): add support for angular v8 by @jorgeucano in #169
- Sander/postrender sample by @SanderElias in #161
- fix(ng-add): fix error in regex into ngadd by @jorgeucano in #170
- fix(scully-routes.service): fix missing return type by @SanderElias in #172
- fix: 🐛 fix install error, double slash and run by @jorgeucano in #174
- Sander/guess error handling by @SanderElias in #173
- docs: add polyfill.md by @evolkmann in #179
- fix(ng-lib): remove failing import by @LayZeeDK in #183
- fix(scully): fix Could not connect to server by @jorgeucano in #178
- fix(remove httpclientmodule): refactor to drop depedency on httpClien… by @SanderElias in #182
- feat(scullyindex): add outfolder for support config into scully.config by @jorgeucano in #185
- refactoring/tests
ng add
by @d-koppenhagen in #176 - refactor/cleanup: scully schematics by @d-koppenhagen in #177
- feat(Scully config): adds an option to set the puppeteer launch options by @SanderElias in #184
- feat(puppeteerrenderplugin): add support for hostURL by @jorgeucano in #186
- improvement(cofig.ts): throw an error when
is used as output… by @SanderElias in #188 - feat(hostname): puts in a hostname option by @SanderElias in #187
- fix(ng-add): fix v8 import by @jorgeucano in #189
- docs: ✏️ fix some typos found in docs by @abrahamjsb in #191
- fix(create-markdown): filter non ASCII characters by @jorgeucano in #190
- feat(pluginrpository.ts): refactor registerplugin to take validator by @SanderElias in #195
- feat(add-plugin): add schematics for create a new custom plugin by @jorgeucano in #196
- fix(js plugins): update to use new register function by @SanderElias in #197
- Sander/fix193 route service by @SanderElias in #198
- docs(scully): update support to angular 8... by @Villanuevand in #199
- Sander/normalize line endings by @SanderElias in #201
- chore(scully): fix command in ISSUE_TEMPLATE by @d-koppenhagen in #203
- feat(frontmatter handling): handle published and slug parameters by @SanderElias in #204
- fix(create-markdown): add more chars to support by @jorgeucano in #205
- Sander/add config to handled route by @SanderElias in #206
- fix(scully-index): change outFolder for outDir by @jorgeucano in #207
- feat: use only ascii chars within route option by @d-koppenhagen in #210
- docs(scully): add registerPlugin explanation by @Villanuevand in #208
- test(schematics): use
instead ofoutFolder
by @d-koppenhagen in #209 - refactor(content): fix typo into log by @jorgeucano in #211
- Fix/typo scullycontent by @jorgeucano in #212
- fix(could not connect to server): explain the reasons by @SanderElias in #216
- fix(scullyroutesservice): dont error when nor routefile is found by @SanderElias in #218
- chore(config): exported scullyConfig by @samvloeberghs in #222
- fix(registerplugin): better error on type by @SanderElias in #225
- fix(extrroutes): fix bug wehre extraroutes fails by @SanderElias in #224
- docs(scully): update official & community plugins by @samvloeberghs in #221
- Schematics/multiproject by @jorgeucano in #227
- feat(compildconfig): support multiple projects by @SanderElias in #229
- feat(scullycontent): add a detectable Id to scully rendering errors by @SanderElias in #230
- improvement(better demo): a more complete demo by @SanderElias in #231
- feat(route-discovery): add a route discovery by @jorgeucano in #233
- docs(scully): minor fixes by @Villanuevand in #232
- docs(scully): update information about official plugins by @Villanuevand in #234
- chore(version bump and guess test): bump the version, and add a guess… by @SanderElias in #241
- IdleService move out of app.component by @SanderElias in #242
- refactor(schematics): fix typo for markdown by @thuchede in #245
- chore(scully): fix ISSUE_TEMPLATEs by @d-koppenhagen in #238
- fix(pupperteerrenderplugn.ts): inject scully content on timeout by @SanderElias in #246
- feat(guess-parser): update to latest guess-parser by @SanderElias in #244
- docs(scully): add docs about ng-lib by @Villanuevand in #248
- Sander/css scoping by @SanderElias in #250
- chore(ng-add): add message for show the angular version support by @jorgeucano in #253
- feat(routeinfo): pulled complete routeInfo into route-discovery phase by @SanderElias in #252
- docs(scully): fix emoji in issues template metada by @Villanuevand in #254
- feat(retry render and dnb): retry puppetteer on failure and render ro… by @SanderElias in #256
- docs(scully): baseFilter and removeStaticDist by @Villanuevand in #255
- feat(performance statistics): gather performance statistics by @SanderElias in #257
- Fix/watchmode by @jorgeucano in #259
- Sander/chores by @SanderElias in #261
- docs(scully): add showGuessError flag to docs by @Villanuevand in #258
- docs(scully): add getting started page spanish translation by @facurodriguez in #264
- feat(traverseapparoutes): make sure there is allwyas an root Route
by @SanderElias in #266 - fix(launchedbrowser): wait for config to be available before launch puppeteer by @SanderElias in #267
- fix(transferstate): make sure it fires even on first load in lazy-loa… by @SanderElias in #268
- feat(scully runtime config): user forRoot to pass config to Scully by @SanderElias in #271
- chore(version update): version update by @SanderElias in #272
- docs(assets): add logos by @aaronfrost in #273
- Frosty/twitterlogos by @aaronfrost in #274
- fix(scully): replace falsy check with explicit string check to allow root route by @BlindDespair in #276
- fix(hosturl): fix hostURL so the our internal server is not started, … by @SanderElias in #277
- test(jest/cypress): add test for check the integrity of the sample project by @jorgeucano in #278
- Frosty/excluded files by @aaronfrost in #280
- feat(transferStateservice): don't load index.html on every route by @SanderElias in #281
- fix(traverseapp): looks in the different places for tsconfig.app.json by @SanderElias in #282
- chore(limit) by @SanderElias in #284
- test(wait-on): add automatic test to pre-push by @jorgeucano in #283
- Sander/error on config error by @SanderElias in #285
- refactor(test): change the format for support differents OS by @jorgeucano in #287
- docs(scully): update cli version on spanish translation by @facurodriguez in #289
- docs(scully): update cli version by @markgoho in #288
- Feat(contentFolder): add support for multi-level folders by @jorgeucano in #290
- feat(scully): Add option for open the browser after run the server. by @jorgeucano in #292
- feat(staticserver): add option for use ssl into the static server by @jorgeucano in #293
- Sander/implement proxy by @SanderElias in #294
- feat(ssl): extract SSL into its own file by @SanderElias in #295
- CI(GA): Add github actions for CI by @jorgeucano in #296
- improvement(cmd): add alias for proxy by @jorgeucano in #297
- ci(nodejs.yml): add pull request to run github actions by @jorgeucano in #303
- Fixes for #298 #299 #300 in TransferStateService by @BlindDespair in #301
- fix: HandledRoute type is string by @peterbsmyth in #306
- fix(scully.ts): supprt SSL on kill and launch by @SanderElias in #308
- Conventional changelog by @jorgeucano in #312
- Sander/add live reload by @SanderElias in #313
- Update package.json for version push by @SanderElias in #314
- Fix ScullyRoutesService by @mchl18 in #317
- Allow comments in Angular.json by @SanderElias in #315
- docs: fix typos by @geromegrignon in #319
- refactor(ng-lib): change cleanDups to private by @geromegrignon in #324
- Fix SSL issues by @SanderElias in #325
- feat(scully): name option for contentfolderplugin by @SanderElias in #326
- docs: update docs by @geromegrignon in #328
- Fix content not laoded by @SanderElias in #329
- refactor(scully): watchmode: change to default watchmode by @jorgeucano in #333
- new version to npm by @SanderElias in #335
- Add better docs to
by @SanderElias in #338 - fix(scully): test failing depending on timezone of the build machine by @aaronfrost in #343
- switchable IdleMonitor by @SanderElias in #340
- feat(lib): add scully-plugin-flash-prevention to the repo by @aaronfrost in #346
- docs(lib): install plugin as dev dependency by @marcjulian in #348
- test(lib): fix a test by @aaronfrost in #347
- fix(scully): watchMode: fix problem with ghost service in mac by @jorgeucano in #349
- ngLib(feat) manual Ready signaling by @SanderElias in #344
- Release V8 library by @SanderElias in #353
- meta tag added by @SanderElias in #355
- refactor(lib): fix typo by @Villanuevand in #354
- write transferState data to separate JSON file by @SanderElias in #356
- Package.json fix + versions by @SanderElias in #357
- fic(scully) ExtraRoutes fails on promise by @SanderElias in #360
- Update recommended plugins by @samvloeberghs in #362
- Add stateHasKey and stateHasKeyValue to transferservice by @SanderElias in #371
- Move State down in HTML by @SanderElias in #369
- docs(scully): add gammastream plugins to community plugins by @msacket in #372
- chore(monorepo): new versions by @SanderElias in #375
- Feat/docs site by @jorgeucano in #376
- docs(scully): add fouc and lazyImages plugins by @garygrossgarten in #378
- Docs/improvements by @GuzmanPI in #380
- style(docsWeb): add css for docs by @jorgeucano in #382
- refactor: transfer state by @jiverson in #384
- fix(css): remove slotted pseudo-element by @jiverson in #385
- fix(docs): Add better written docs for: Prerequisites, Getting Starte… by @GuzmanPI in #383
- fix(docsWeb): add a default value for code block by @jorgeucano in #386
- fix(scully): WATCHMODE: fix problem when use CTRL+C by @jorgeucano in #388
- fix: slug folder by @jiverson in #387
- feat(scully): support for routeProccesingDone and allDone plugins by @SanderElias in #390
- fix(docsWeb): pLUGIN: remove plugin example by @jorgeucano in #401
- fix(docsWeb): getting-started: add router data by @jorgeucano in #402
- feat(scully): make getHandledRoutes promise available by @SanderElias in #404
- feat(monorepo): CODE OF CONDUCT by @jorgeucano in #403
- feat(scully): SEO href update plugin added by @SanderElias in #406
- fix(docs): add better written docs by @GuzmanPI in #389
- feat(scully): add 404.html to redirect to. by @SanderElias in #410
- fix(docsWeb): fix line height in header title and subheader width text by @jorgeucano in #411
- Fix/landing responsive by @jorgeucano in #412
- Fix/ui components by @jorgeucano in #415
- fix(monorepo): upgrade dev dependencies by @jorgeucano in #413
- feat(scully): add support to set the number of cores during rendering, by @SanderElias in #420
- feat(scully): support for markdown options like
by @SanderElias in #422 - fix(scully): attach validator correctly by @SanderElias in #423
- chore(deps): bump minimist from 0.0.8 to 1.2.5 in /schematics/scully by @dependabot in #426
- fix(schematic): v8 support in AppModule by @geromegrignon in #421
- fix(documentation): broken links by @geromegrignon in #430
- feat(scully): add Flash Prevention Plugin by @aaronfrost in #418
- fix(documentation): typo by @geromegrignon in #431
- fix(scully): fix different blogFolder name by @SanderElias in #433
- Watchmode optional by @jorgeucano in #436
- Docs/beta by @jorgeucano in #440
- fix(lib): scully-content-component didn't update links in all cases by @SanderElias in #417
- docs(docsWeb): fix broken footer links by @ni500 in #444
- Docs/beta by @jorgeucano in #442
- docs(docsWeb): fix Gitter typo in footer. by @msacket in #443
- refactor(documentation): remove duplicate mention by @geromegrignon in #450
- docs(docsWeb): update the spanish version of getting started by @facurodriguez in #449
- Update recommended-plugins.md by @samvloeberghs in #453
- docs: fix typo..... by @phodal in #447
- Docs/beta by @jorgeucano in #457
- feat(scully): better handling of missing
by @SanderElias in #462 - fix(scully): typo on error by @geromegrignon in #460
ng g @scullyio/init:post
: Special characters cause failure during render by @jorgeucano in #463 - fix(docsWeb): fix double focus on keyboard event by @SanderElias in #465
- docs: remove old
flag by @d-koppenhagen in #467 - docs: add ledge to showcase by @phodal in #464
- docs: add link to Scully Publish Github action by @d-koppenhagen in #466
- Reorder by @jorgeucano in #468
- Add foder for vue/react and ignore by @jorgeucano in #469
- feat(scully) make angular.json an optional depedency by @SanderElias in #470
- (WIP) add config support for plugins by @SanderElias in #446
- adding configcat to showcase by @sigewuzhere in #472
- feat(scully): add a flag to make scanning for package.json befoer ang… by @SanderElias in #473
- feat(scully): new flag to set timeout for serer during CI by @SanderElias in #476
- fix(scully): tart background serer correctly in a non-angular app by @SanderElias in #475
- feat(scully): add optional thumbnail to every route by @SanderElias in #482
- Feat/scripts by @jorgeucano in #483
- style(lib): full support for
npx @scullyio/create
ornpm init @scullyio/scully
by @jorgeucano in #484 - docs(scully): add spanish translation of the pre-requisites file and update getting started by @facurodriguez in #477
- fix(docsWeb): change plugin require path to match file structure changes by @cmgriffing in #487
- fix(docsWeb): change routerLink to link on app-button in header by @cmgriffing in #486
- fix(docsWeb): change docsSite to scullyDocs in docs:run command by @cmgriffing in #488
- style(scully): change 'Sended kill command to server' to 'Sent kill command to server' by @leonelngande in #489
- fix(scully): puppeteerRender: add validation for html with undefined by @jorgeucano in #495
- feat(scully): add exit by default when have a plugin error and cli option by @jorgeucano in #496
- feat(scully): cache the version number during rendering by @SanderElias in #497
- feat(lib): start of generic lib. Routemonitor by @SanderElias in #508
- fix(schematics): fix wrong import into markdown spec by @jorgeucano in #509
- refactor(docsWeb): blog: change some text by @jorgeucano in #510
- sander/showContetnDuringServe by @SanderElias in #511
- fix(scully): fix version number insert into html by @jorgeucano in #512
- feat(scully): idle detection for non angular apps (experimental) by @SanderElias in #515
- doc: add plugin to scully.config.defaultPostRenderers by @mtopping in #507
- fix(scully): handle
in urls properly by @SanderElias in #516 - sander/addTestForhashandFreinds by @SanderElias in #517
- test(scully): added queryParams to tests by @SanderElias in #518
- docs(showcase): added my blog to showcase by @s0l0c0ding in #526
- Blog md by @jorgeucano in #525
- docs(scully): fix spelling error by @thall1961 in #521
- fix: fixed small typos by @Jefiozie in #519
- Issue514 by @atao60 in #527
- monoRepo(feat) support @scullyio in monorepo by @SanderElias in #528
- feat(scully): use typescript for config files by @SanderElias in #530
- sander/tsConfigFile by @SanderElias in #532
- docs(docsWeb): fix typo into home by @jorgeucano in #533
- sander/docWorks by @SanderElias in #546
- Docs style fix by @stevermeister in #545
- docs: fix href by @marcjulian in #544
- docs(pre-requisites): change the RouterModule addition by @geromegrignon in #539
- docs(blog): fix typo and add link to prismjs utility by @Splaktar in #537
- Added new showcase by @ToledoNicola in #536
- docs(scully): fix typo in getting-started.md by @sfabriece in #535
- fix(scully): typo loaed -> loaded by @Splaktar in #549
- refactor(schematics): schematics: change the config generetor from js… by @jorgeucano in #553
- refactor(schematics): by @jorgeucano in #554
- fix(scully): fix defaultPostRenderers type by @puku0x in #559
- feat(schematics): allow specify a file extension when creating a post by @d-koppenhagen in #558
- fix(ng-lib): getCurrent method needs decodeURI by @stevermeister in #560
- Remove couple of stale console.logs by @SanderElias in #562
- fix(scully): insert correct version number in body and update test to ignore the number by @SanderElias in #564
- docs: transfer state by @evolkmann in #575
- docs: ✏️ add more descriptive examples to getting-started.md by @donmckenna in #578
- docs: update showcase site by @d-koppenhagen in #577
- chore(monorepo): update angular version by @SanderElias in #574
- docs(grammar): improve grammar for the docs by @GuzmanPI in #579
- feat(scully): work when whatch mode in scully and on ng build are both enabled by @SanderElias in #584
- feature: adding a section describing how to actively generate and wor… by @softchris in #585
- docs(docsWeb): add docs for publish by @jorgeucano in #587
- fix(scully): add log error and exit with puppetter have some error by @jorgeucano in #588
- sander/tsPlugins by @SanderElias in #592
- docs(typo): fix typo by @pegaltier in #593
- Feature to ignore specific ResourceTypes in Puppeteer by @samvloeberghs in #589
- refactor(monorepo): remove some console logs, and update gitignore, and remove stale files by @SanderElias in #596
- sander/betterLogs by @SanderElias in #597
- feat(docsWeb): remove angular from docs pages by @SanderElias in #594
- fix(lib): typo on logs by @geromegrignon in #600
- Add
rel="noreferrer noopener"
to anchors withtarget="_blank"
by @SanderElias in #601 - docs(getting-started): lack of
in one command by @doggy8088 in #603 - docs(plugins): add better docs for defaultPostRenderers and postRenderers by @GuzmanPI in #605
- docs: fix the broken links by @AnkitaSinghal in #607
- feat (schematics): allow comments in angular.json file (Issue #480) by @atao60 in #550
- Add base-href plugin by @SanderElias in #610
- fix(scully): fix rewrite of .md on external sites by @SanderElias in #611
- feat(monorepo): add option to flashPrevention so set other display type by @SanderElias in #617
- feat(lib): routesrService.getCurrent now listens to router by @SanderElias in #615
- docs(es): Add docs in Spanish by @GuzmanPI in #606
- feat(scully): make contentRenderPlugin skip unknown file extensions by @SanderElias in #620
- chore(monorepo) add tools and update dependecies by @SanderElias in #619
- feat(lib): raise an event when the switch is done by the FlashPreventionPlugin by @SanderElias in #622
- docs(lib-core): add more information about enabling manualIdle by @AnkitaSinghal in #621
- feat(scully): add an cli option that allows you to filter routes by @SanderElias in #623
- refactor(scully): move the cached routeData to its proper place by @SanderElias in #624
- refactor(monorepo): updates for main branch by @SanderElias in #629
- docs: replace coming soon note with gitter link (#626) by @SanderElias in #628
- Plugins' docs in Spanish by @GuzmanPI in #625
- feat(lib): flashPrevention: add scroll prevention by @jorgeucano in #632
- docs(plugins): add rss and medium zoom plugin by @marcjulian in #631
- refactor(scully): small refacrtor to aid performance in 3rthparty apps by @SanderElias in #636
- sander/fix637 by @SanderElias in #638
- sander/improvedHandling404 by @SanderElias in #640
- sander/LogWarnon404 by @SanderElias in #644
- New docs improvements by @GuzmanPI in #634
- fix(scully): fix config handling when option
by @SanderElias in #645 - Sander/docs hotfix by @SanderElias in #647
- Add documentation into the test suite by @SanderElias in #652
- feat(docsWeb): add firebase deploy into the CI/CD by @jorgeucano in #648
- Firebase/deploy by @jorgeucano in #655
- feat(scully): system plugins by @SanderElias in #658
- added updated snapshots to #657 by @SanderElias in #660
- fix(docs): broken link by @geromegrignon in #661
- feat(scully): logrocket render plugin. by @GuzmanPI in #680
- fix(lib): make sure routes that are not duplicates are not filtered out of
by @SanderElias in #681 - feat(scully): killServers now works even when the config is not found by @SanderElias in #691
- feat(scully): provide full HandledRoute for preRender by @stevermeister in #690
- docs(scully): add FAQ document to docs by @SanderElias in #693
- docs(scully-configuration): fix typo by @kkweon in #696
- fix(lib): drop opening
from assets link to follow base-href by @SanderElias in #698 - Move from
import *
to aid V10 compatability (tslib issue) by @SanderElias in #695 - Nx/schematics full publish by @jorgeucano in #704
- fix(monorepo): fix base-href-plugin to actually use existing scully, and not to bring it its won cop by @SanderElias in #708
- docs(faq): unexpected character by @geromegrignon in #721
- Fix stability issues by @SanderElias in #714
- fix(lib): fix flash prevention for support ie (remove arrow functions) by @jorgeucano in #723
- docs(scully): add docs for prod cli option by @jorgeucano in #725
- Support schematics for NX vanilla workspaces by @jorgeucano in #724
- chore(deps): bump npm-registry-fetch from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5 in /libs/scully-schematics by @dependabot in #707
- fix(CLI-OPTIONS): fix --help by @jorgeucano in #728
- fix(lib): add proper readme by @GuzmanPI in #727
- refactor(scully): move plugins to registery by @SanderElias in #729
- feat: add option to generate render or route plugin to add-plugin schematic by @brandonroberts in #734
- fix(scully): add symbol support for plugins in places where ti was missing by @SanderElias in #735
- Add a way to process routes before rendering by @SanderElias in #736
- fix(lib): remove scroll event after angular load in flash prevention by @jorgeucano in #737
- refactor(lib): remove eslint deactivation by @geromegrignon in #738
- docs: hide dash on app-code title by @geromegrignon in #740
- fix(scully): use processed routes instead of original ones by @SanderElias in #742
- docs(schematics): add docs for angular workspace support by @jorgeucano in #743
- docs(docsWeb): add faq entry for plugin build error fix by @msacket in #741
- fix(docs): book component by @GuzmanPI in #715
- feat(scully): Add GoogleAnalytics render plugin. by @GuzmanPI in #705
- feat(scully): add support for different folders to host to aid i18n by @SanderElias in #744
- refactor(schematics): remove boilerplate by @geromegrignon in #747
- docs: landing page feature card on small screens by @geromegrignon in #745
- Fix missing contribute link by @msacket in #748
- refactor(monorepo): move docsPlugin to libs by @SanderElias in #749
- chore(deps): bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /libs/scully by @dependabot in #750
- sander/PluginNames by @SanderElias in #755
- 1.0.0 beta by @jorgeucano in #756
- docs(changelog): update changelog to beta by @jorgeucano in #757
- fix(docsWeb): fix google analytics by @jorgeucano in #774
- (fix/schematics): package.json generated scripts by @johanchouquet in #785
- new plugin contentText by @SanderElias in #793
- fix(monorepo): update links in package.json by @SanderElias in #798
- fix(lib): keep the lastUsed in the module scope by @SanderElias in #799
- Fix/nx schematic blog by @jorgeucano in #806
- fix(scully): Add wait time before spawning new browser instance by @scriste-sv in #804
- Sander/rework wait fix by @SanderElias in #808
- feat(cli): better loading ui by @PatrickJS in #800
- docs(docsWeb): redesign docs, add nested navigation link list by @donmckenna in #753
- feat: Sentry logs by @PatrickJS in #792
- feat(scully): address wrng type in configValidator by @SanderElias in #815
- Sander/rename static port by @SanderElias in #813
- docs(docsWeb): add dark theme to nav-header, fix margins by @donmckenna in #817
- feat(scully): better message on project not found by @SanderElias in #819
- feat(scully): use the publish date to determine switching to pusblish (internal, file doesn't get up by @SanderElias in #821
- feat(emove script plugin): add some more config options by @SanderElias in #823
- refactor(monorepo): migrate to NX 10 :yay: by @jorgeucano in #822
- fix(monorepo): fix test to remove double page-4 by @SanderElias in #827
- docs: fixed broken links #830 by @AllanRegush in #831
- chore(deps): bump prismjs from 1.20.0 to 1.21.0 by @dependabot in #838
- feat(scully): support JSX/TSX highlighting (#548) by @puku0x in #839
- Fix node-run '/r' by @SanderElias in #841
- Schematics: Support custom ts plugins by @jorgeucano in #842
- sander/supportRawRoutes by @SanderElias in #845
- docs: Route Process Plugin by @GuzmanPI in #828
- feat(scully): limit scully to node 12 and up by @SanderElias in #852
- fix(scully): fix message error when need retry other times is a warning by @jorgeucano in #853
- fix(schematics): fix plugins ts compile error by @jorgeucano in #857
- feat(scully): compile plugins and config by @SanderElias in #862
- fix(monorepo): update ng-lib and docs-link plugin to work by @SanderElias in #864
- fix(scully): make slugs containing foreign chars works by @SanderElias in #863
- Docs plugin system by @GuzmanPI in #866
- docs(md): add prismjs usage by @s0l0c0ding in #865
- docs(monorepo): first update docs by @SanderElias in #881
- test(monorepo): rewrite docsThere test to be less rigid by @SanderElias in #898
- fix(lib): use transfer-state if there is a fragment or query param by @SanderElias in #896
- Add support for different renders by @jorgeucano in #897
- test(monorepo): add title and language attribute testing to docs files by @SanderElias in #899
- Refactor docs navigation logic by @SanderElias in #900
- refactor(schematics): Remove usage of the file system directly by @Brocco in #905
- chore(deps): bump bl from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 in /libs/scully by @dependabot in #904
- Automated TOC by @SanderElias in #906
- fix(schematics): fix tsconfig in scully folder to actually work by @SanderElias in #910
- test(docsWeb): test all links in markdown files to exist. by @SanderElias in #913
- Add nx cloud build by @jorgeucano in #917
- fix: 🐛 add support for WSL 2 by @jorgeucano in #918
- change lang to tabs by @jorgeucano in #921
- Add cache Github Actions by @jorgeucano in #923
- Feat(Docs) Reworked docs structure, and added missing content by @SanderElias in #930
- change text into schematics for install ng-lib by @jorgeucano in #932
- docs(docsWeb): add docker, distFolder and Sponsors to docs by @SanderElias in #931
- fix(lib): removeScriptPlugn(fix) make sure all scripts are removed by @SanderElias in #935
- refactor(monorepo): update nx config by @jorgeucano in #937
- remove npm i from GA in pull request by @jorgeucano in #933
New Contributors
- @Villanuevand made their first contribution in #2
- @HZooly made their first contribution in #24
- @mraible made their first contribution in #25
- @beeman made their first contribution in #35
- @RichTillis made their first contribution in #42
- @Splaktar made their first contribution in #32
- @EatonZ made their first contribution in #54
- @LayZeeDK made their first contribution in #53
- @IxquitilisSaid made their first contribution in #58
- @stewones made their first contribution in #116
- @d-koppenhagen made their first contribution in #120
- @timdeschryver made their first contribution in #89
- @abrahamjsb made their first contribution in #191
- @samvloeberghs made their first contribution in #222
- @thuchede made their first contribution in #245
- @facurodriguez made their first contribution in #264
- @markgoho made their first contribution in #288
- @peterbsmyth made their first contribution in #306
- @mchl18 made their first contribution in #317
- @garygrossgarten made their first contribution in #378
- @jiverson made their first contribution in #384
- @ni500 made their first contribution in #444
- @phodal made their first contribution in #447
- @sigewuzhere made their first contribution in #472
- @cmgriffing made their first contribution in #487
- @leonelngande made their first contribution in #489
- @mtopping made their first contribution in #507
- @s0l0c0ding made their first contribution in #526
- @thall1961 made their first contribution in #521
- @atao60 made their first contribution in #527
- @stevermeister made their first contribution in #545
- @ToledoNicola made their first contribution in #536
- @sfabriece made their first contribution in #535
- @softchris made their first contribution in #585
- @doggy8088 made their first contribution in #603
- @AnkitaSinghal made their first contribution in #607
- @kkweon made their first contribution in #696
- @brandonroberts made their first contribution in #734
- @johanchouquet made their first contribution in #785
- @scriste-sv made their first contribution in #804
- @PatrickJS made their first contribution in #800
- @AllanRegush made their first contribution in #831
- @Brocco made their first contribution in #905
Full Changelog: https://github.com/scullyio/scully/commits/1.0.0