This is an expandable Android fingerprint api compatible lib, which also combine Samsung and MeiZu's official fingerprint api.
Samsung and MeiZu's fingerprint SDK supports most devices which system versions less than Android 6.0 .
Api priority level:Android > Samsung > MeiZu
1. Gradle
compile ''
2. AndroidManifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT"/>
<uses-permission android:name="com.fingerprints.service.ACCESS_FINGERPRINT_MANAGER"/>
<uses-permission android:name=""/>
3. FingerprintIdentify api
mFingerprintIdentify = new FingerprintIdentify(this); // create object
mFingerprintIdentify = new FingerprintIdentify(this, exceptionListener); // create with error listener
mFingerprintIdentify.isFingerprintEnable(); // is fingerprint usable
mFingerprintIdentify.isHardwareEnable(); // is hardware usable
mFingerprintIdentify.isRegisteredFingerprint(); // is fingerprint collected
mFingerprintIdentify.startIdentify(maxTimes, listener); // start identify
mFingerprintIdentify.cancelIdentify(); // cancel identify
mFingerprintIdentify.resumeIdentify(); // resume identify
4. startIdentify method
mFingerprintIdentify.startIdentify(3, new BaseFingerprint.FingerprintIdentifyListener() {
public void onSucceed() {
// succeed, release hardware automatically
public void onNotMatch(int availableTimes) {
// not match, try again automatically
public void onFailed() {
// failed, release hardware automatically
5. Proguard
# MeiZuFingerprint
-keep class com.fingerprints.service.** { *; }
# SmsungFingerprint
-keep class** { *; }
6. Notice
7. Version Update
v1.1.2 2017.04.25
Modify AOSP's code,avoid the PackageManager.FEATURE_FINGERPRINT limit.
v1.1.1 2017.03.20
Modify gradle AppCompat lib version.
v1.1.0 2017.03.16
Modify package name and bug fixed.
v1.0.2 2017.02.17
Add exception callback.
v1.0.1 2017.02.15
Bug fixed.
v1.0.0 2017.02.10
Release v1.
Licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE for copying permission.