About Safe-Route provides a way for students to walk from one destination to another while being aware of the crimes that have occured on the path. This will allow them to take a detour and stay safe!
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
We incorporated the ReactJS library to build a web application. We called the Google Maps API to render the map, create routes and retreive information about the places and the types of crimes that occured there. Our data was scraped from Illini Alert's database which included information such as type of assault, where and when the assault was committed. We're in the proccess of implementing a real time SQLite database so we can retrieve realtime data about crimes as they occur.
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view in your browser.
Contributors :
Anya Gill & Nikhita Punati - render MAP UI, generate routes
Shreenija Dagavolu & Ananya Anand - outputting crime data, activate markers
Google maps API, Directions API, Places API React JS (Create A React App)