MapServer snippets are a large collection of examples designed to showcase the myriad of configuration options and use cases available with the platform. Each snippet is/was developed to be as concise as possible and highlights the target topic without the baggage of a more complete demo application.
The snippets website is generated from snippet metadata and consists of two components. First, an index.html page that presents a searchable interface of all snippets and second, a page to render any snippet given a snippets ID. The website relies on common web resources including jQuery, Bootstrap, Underscore.js and DataTables.
- Clone the repo on your machine.
- Create a symlink to the htdocs directory from within your web server's document root.
- Edit htdocs/snippets.js to reflect the location of the mapfile and MapServer binary. Using an environment variable for the mapfile is recommended - it's setup for MAPSERVER_SNIPPETS by default.
Each snippet consists of:
- A simple MapServer mapfile configuration - typically a layer or two at most. The snippet is referenced as an INCLUDE in the primary mapfile -
- A snippet definition (metadata) in JSON - added to htdocs/snippets.js.
- Snippet file names must use their unique identifier (e.g. example.snippet and example.tmpl)
Current snippet definition:
- id: unique identifier for the snippet
- description: long narrative describing what aspect of MapServer is being demonstrated
- title: short narrative that describes what aspect of MapServer is being demonstrated (used as a page title)
- type: what type of output will the snippet create - currently only "image" is recognized but this will likely expand to include "text" and "interactive" output as well
- image_url: URL for the output image
- mapfile_url: URL for the snippet of mapfile code
- template_url: URL for the snippet of template code (currently unused)
- tags: an array of keywords to aid in finding snippets
- author: who created it (@username)
- last_updated: when was the snippet last updated (yyyy-mm-dd)
Fork this repo and create pull requests against it - easy as that.