Already confined to overpriced and under-evaluated food options, theme park goers everywhere are one step closer to having their hopes and prayers answered with Eating Disneyland, a Google Maps-inspired application for viewing and reviewing all food options around the Disneyland park in Anaheim, CA.
Anyone can view restaurant details along with all other user-reviews, but of course you must be logged in with an account in order to create a review yourself.
- Python
- Flask
- Jinja2
- PostgreSQL
- SQLAlchemy
- JavaScript
- Axios
- Folium/Leaflet
- Bootstrap
Use this branch of Eating_Disneyland:
Create a Python Virtual Environment and activate it
Install all dependencies
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create a new file in the 'eating' directory,
- Use the following environment variables to allow flask script and file to run properly:
export POSTGRES_URI='postgresql:///eating_disneyland' export SECRET_KEY='make your own secret key' export USER_PW='generic password for all seeded users' export FLASK_APP='' export FLASK_DEBUG='True'
Source this file:
Seed the database:
Run the application:
flask run
- follow the link to your localhost provided in the terminal
Rate some restaurants!