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=== Simple Share Buttons Plus ===

Contributors: DavidoffNeal

Tags: share buttons, facebook, twitter, google+, share, share links, stumble upon, linkedin, pinterest

Requires at least: 3.9

Tested up to: 4.4.2
Stable tag: 1.1.5

== Description ==

One of the most advanced WordPress share button plugins available.

== Installation ==

* Upload the 'simple-share-buttons-plus' folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

* Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

* Navigate to the Simple Share Buttons Plus Admin Panel via ‘Share Buttons’ to change your settings as desired.

* Save then activate your licence via the 'Licence' page.

== Changelog ==

= 1.1.5 =
* Feature: Add new style 11!
* Tweak: Add 'Search Results' as an option to make disabling buttons on search results easier
* Tweak: Update main class name to __construct to resolve PHP notices
* Fix: Remove duplicate instances of Twitter counts

= 1.1.4 =
* Feature: Add option and functionality to show Twitter share counts again
* Update: Fallback to previous share counts if any share count API's ever fail or return zero incorrectly

= 1.1.3 =
* Fix: Ensure toggle buttons are hidden if not set to be shown

= 1.1.2 =
* Feature: Add SSBP OnScroll functionality!
* Feature: Add further customisation options to the Email Popup - Labels, button text, placeholder
* Tweak: Change & to & within attribution links for validation
* Tweak: Set official settings import to ignore twitter username and tags
* Tweak: Remove a couple of unneeded declared variables
* Tweak: Re-include small HTML comment above share buttons div
* Fix: Change 'tags' to 'hashtags' to fix the hashtags feature for Twitter

= 1.1.1 =
* Feature: New Yummly sharing feature, as recommended by Yummly
* Update: Add new Email Popup options - set subject, from name and from email
* Update: Add option to remove Simple Share Buttons attribution links from popups
* Update: Remove Twitter share counts :(
* Fix: iOS native Twitter sharing URL encoding amendment
* Fix: Ellipsis and Email popup bug for lazy-loaded buttons
* Fix: Specify action for forms so they save when using Internet Explorer
* Fix: Colourpicker for share text colour fixed
* Fix: Resolve PHP notices when using Ellipsis alongside share counts

= 1.1.0 =
* Feature: Add Yummly share counts
* Update: New Google+ logo
* Tweak: Add title attributes to the buttons on the network select option to assist recognition of each network
* Fix: Log the URL correctly when sharing via the Email Popup option

= 1.0.9 =
* Feature: Add Tumblr share count
* Tweak: Hide share buttons for print
* Fix: Add 'spinner' icon for when the Email Popup send button is clicked
* Fix: Email Popup reliance on having Ellipsis enabled has been sorted

= 1.0.8 =
* Feature: Add Email Popup feature (Beta)
* Feature: Add Ellipsis (show more share options - Beta)
* Feature: Add 'Native Links' option for Twitter share buttons
* Feature: Add option to use shortlinks for WhatsApp sharing
* Tweak: URL Encode WhatsApp URLs for improved iOS compatibility
* Fix: Re-include http/https for URL being shared to Tumblr (404 error)
* Fix: Sort WP Dashboard widget bug and PHP notice alongside it

= 1.0.7 =
* Tweak: Add RTL compatibility to the admin pages by moving the save button to the left
* Fix: Fix styling for when 'Responsive' is not set, @1.0.6 bug
* Fix: Allow buttons to be removed if all share buttons have been added

= 1.0.6 =
* Feature: Add option to disable tracking functionality
* Feature: Add option to set the screen width at which the mobile view should begin/finish
* Update: Add link to documentation in the admin navbar
* Tweak: Improve reliability of license activation by changing wp_remote_get to wp_remote_post
* Tweak: Add information to clearly indicate that adding your GA tracking ID adds GA tracking code
* Tweak: Correct labels for fields in admin panels
* Tweak: Reorder fields in admin panels

= 1.0.5 =
* Fix: Set two total/each share count display
* Fix: Small XSS vulnerability

= 1.0.4 =
* Update: Change SSB API URL to new subdomain

= 1.0.3 =
* Update: Add left/right/centre-aligned compatibility when using custom images
* Tweak: Update style 10-centred colours to new SSB brand colours
* Tweak: Change add_object_page to add_menu_page for those exceeding the object_page limit
* Fix: Delete ssbp.min.css after importing settings so it's created as required
* Fix: Pinterest bookmark rel="nofollow"
* Fix: Total share count for lazy loading users
* Fix: Small XSS vulnerability
* Fix: Ensure ga_tracking_id is added upon upgrading to 1.0.2+

= 1.0.2 =
* Feature: Add Google Analytics code option, with choice of whether or not to track logged-in users
* Feature: Add option to hide tracking page for non-admins
* Tweak: Disable option to delete/clear tracking stats for non-admins
* Tweak: Allow decimals in size fields
* Tweak: Format all PHP files to conform with PSR Standards (
* Tweak: Add "Successfully Imported" messages when importing settings
* Tweak: Display license activation error if present
* Tweak: Set total share count to appear as a list item when using custom images, improving placement of the count itself
* Tweak: If set to load the SSBP font in the head, don't include it in the custom CSS file when it's created
* Fix: Show/hide total/each share counts as specified when using custom images
* Fix: Set relevant file permissions when creating ssbp.min.css so that it can be deleted after changes are made to style settings
* Fix: Fix share count issue when using WP Shortlinks
* Fix: Force use of set title when using shortcode anywhere that's not a post

= 1.0.1 =
* Feature: Add option to load SSBP font in the head of your website allowing Async loading of CSS
* Fix: Replace deactivate hook function with uninstall hook as required
* Fix: Ensure full URL is used when retrieving share counts
* Fix: Fix 'Use settings' option
* Fix: Return support for custom images
* Fix: Load SSBP icon font over http or https as necessary

= 1.0.0 =
* Feature: Add option to enable Google Analytics Event Tracking
* Feature: Add two new services - WhatsApp and Xing
* Feature: Add Open Graph Type select list to SSBP Share Meta functionality
* Feature: Add the option to customise colours separately for each button set
* Feature: Add the option to customise icon colours to any colour desired
* Feature: Add the option to enable use of featured images to be used with share meta details
* Feature: Use a new SSBP font-family to allow scaling without any loss in quality
* Feature: Reformat all settings pages using Bootstrap and a Bootswatch theme
* Feature: Post and save all admin forms via AJAX for a better user experience
* Feature: Create new table especially for share count data to improve speed if counters are enabled and avoid using options table
* Feature: Create new table especially for ortsh URLs to improve speed if in use and avoid using options table
* Feature: Add priority option in advanced settings, providing the ability to prioritise SSBP or other plugins within content
* Feature: Allow review of official share counts in the tracking dashboard regardless of if counters are enabled in the front-end (via existing full share stats option)
* Feature: New GoogleFonts families added for share text - Lato, Merriweather, Montserrat and Raleway
* Feature: Add option to use WP shortlinks in place of full URLs
* Feature: Live preview feature for button sets when making changes on the styling page
* Tweak: Disable functionality that requires Mcrypt by default, and display a notice on settings pages
* Tweak: Set share meta hook to priority 1 to further encourage use of SSBP share meta when enabled
* Tweak: Remove jQuery UI effects and replace with CSS transitions for improved performance
* Tweak: Ensure direct URLs are used when accessing ssbp.min.css
* Tweak: Ensure direct URLs are used when accessing SSBP JS files
* Tweak: Revert to database calls to get settings, to improve performance on high-traffic or low-spec environments
* Tweak: Amend ssbp_get_url() function to use HTTP_HOST
* Tweak: Add new ssbpForms helper class for admin screens
* Tweak: ALL posts/pages in ranking order restricted to 10 for performance on the tracking page, in lieu of a load/more feature
* Fix: Fix stripping of https/http from all share URLs if Tumblr button is in use
* Fix: Set to ignore meta settings when importing settings from

= 0.5.8 =
* Fix: Add SSBP Tracking table upon all installations and create it if not already there
* Tweak: Better aligned Yummly share icon
* Fix: Error checking fallback when fetching Reddit share counts

= 0.5.7 =
* Tweak: Add success/failure notifications to console logs after share clicks

= 0.5.6 =
* Tweak: Load icons via http or https as/if needed
* Tweak: Amend permissions checking in Admin to resolve clashes with another plugin
* Fix: Use default SSBP share meta information if set for homepages and categories/archives

= 0.5.5 =
* Feature: Option to use SSBP share meta or featured images for Pinterest
* Feature: Two new share set styles!
* Feature: Make custom styling options available even when using preset styles
* Feature: Generate and utilise a single custom minified CSS file for all implementations
* Feature: Calculate required page-percentage width for mobile share bars to be more flexible
* Feature: Copy all the official Simple Share Buttons Plus settings from
* Feature: Use the custom styles option to overwrite all SSBP CSS with your own
* Tweak: Add and use compressed versions of SSBP's JS files
* Tweak: Add .htaccess file to disallow direct access to the JSON settings file
* Tweak: Create header nav in admin and add a link to the support forum
* Tweak: Add inactive license notification

= 0.5.4 =
* Tweak: Allow access to share stats for 'Editors'
* Fix: Remove errors for 'Editors'
* Fix: PHP notice upon initial installation/activation

= 0.5.3 =
* Tweak: Prevent linebreak tags from being added to responsive share bars
* Tweak: Hide share text by default for share bars
* Fix: Add fallbacks for errors when retrieving share counts

= 0.5.2 =
* Feature: Add show/hide buttons to responsive share bars
* Feature: Add a choice of effects that buttons can appear with
* Feature: Add a mobile button load effect option
* Feature: Easily transfer settings using the new import/export functionality
* Tweak: Dramatically increase performance with the use of a JSON file
* Tweak: Reduce 75 database options to 2
* Tweak: Reduce calls to get_ssbp_settings to one using PHP $GLOBALS
* Tweak: Add custom menu icon
* Tweak: Small security enhancement
* Fix: Small amendment to processing of additional CSS when saving to strip slashes

= 0.5.1 =
* Feature: Add Yummly button!
* Feature: Option added to have a second set of buttons display!
* Feature: Image set previews added to styling page
* Update: Update to use the latest upload modal for image uploads
* Update: Further improved styling throughout the SSBP settings pages
* Tweak: Ensure correct title and URL are used for widget/shortcode use
* Tweak: Reduce DB calls by adding SSBP settings to sessions
* Fix: Custom meta image upload popup fix
* Fix: Only include admin CSS on SSBP admin pages
* Fix: Replace ampersands in page titles with %26 for email links

= 0.5.0 =
* Feature: Official share counts by network added to dashboard
* Feature: Radar chart added for social network breakdown
* Update: Improved charts using
* Update: Improved styling for the share tracking dashboard
* Update: View full breakdown shares via countries with flag images
* Update: Improved IP detection for sites with CDN and/or alternative proxies
* Update: Tooltips added to all option labels
* Tweak: Remove for post/page previews and bbPress replies and prevent creating any more
* Tweak: Ensure HTML tags are stripped from all page titles
* Tweak: Improved validation of posted tracking data
* Tweak: Improved security of admin panels
* Fix: Button spacing when using styling options

= 0.4.2 =
* Feature: Add a Twitter username to tweets under the 'Advanced' settings page.
* Fix: Save all required ortsh URL information for dashboard display. Remove any incorrect data so it can be recreated.

= 0.4.1 =
* Fix: Support in the tracking dashboard for users with unicode characters

= 0.4.0 =
* Feature: Exclusive URL shortener functionality added
* Feature: SSB API added to offer more-consistent Facebook share count retrieval
* Tweak: Show latest shares in a more logical order

= 0.3.1 =
* Feature: Option to convert share count retrieval protocol from http/https and www/non-www
* Update: Minify CSS on the fly for those using the custom styling options
* Update: Link to new Support Forum
* Update: Link added to Facebook Debugger on edit screen
* Tweak: Wording in Admin pages

= 0.3.0 =
* Feature: Share count caching added with custom setting
* Feature: CSV export option added for share stats
* Feature: Pagination of all shares made available
* Feature: Ability to clear all share stats added
* Feature: All pages/posts now listed in a table in order of number of shares
* Fix: Remove line breaks if not required

= 0.2.2 =
* Feature: New fixed share bar
* Fix: Show total share count

= 0.2.1 =
* Feature: Minimum share count option added
* Feature: New preset style
* Tweak: Improved bitly support for share counts
* Tweak: Share count timeout option added

= 0.2.0 =
* GeoIP country locations added
* Shorten and track URLs using Bitly
* Option added to use [ssba] shortcode if desired
* Great new preset style!
* Disable custom post types if you need to

= 0.1.8 =
* Default style options to keep your HEAD clear from SSBP styles
* Added option to select black or white icons
* NEW logo and amended styles within the dashboard

= 0.1.7 =
* Add new Meta-tag functionality!
* Fix tracking issue with non-lazy load option

= 0.1.6 =
* Option added to switch lazy loading on or off

= 0.1.5 =
* Fix download page share buttons

= 0.1.4 =
* Added option to place share text above/left/right/below
* Select font-weight option added
* Share text now fades in too with the buttons
* Choose margin for buttons
* Support link updated to Zendesk!
* Fix excerpt hook

= 0.1.3 =
* Square button option added!
* Fix for when showing duplicate sets of buttons
* Categories/Archives and Homepage option sorted

= 0.1.2 =
* Custom images now available!

= 0.1.1 =
* Hotfix for version 0.1.0 allowing users not logged in to view buttons

= 0.1.0 =
* Share counts added!
* Choose between total share counts or per-site share counts
* Lazy loading - Buttons fade in once ready, loading your pages/posts even more quickly!
* Remove the bottom border if you wish

= 0.0.4 =
* Hotfix for Firefox
* Share buttons added to a class in preparation for share counts!

= 0.0.3 =
* Hotfix for activation

= 0.0.2 =
* New option in settings to only show buttons with excerpts if wanted
* Port number not added if present
* Page title pulled more accurately and efficiently, most noticed by those using twitter and/or with shortcode

= 0.0.1 =
* Initial release


No description, website, or topics provided.






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