@page FuncUnit @parent index 4
FuncUnit tests web applications with a simple jQuery-like syntax. Via integration with [funcunit.selenium Selenium] and [funcunit.phantomjs PhantomJS], you can run the same tests automated.
FuncUnit uses [http://docs.jquery.com/Qunit QUnit] for organizing tests and assertions. But FuncUnit extends QUnit so you can:
- [FuncUnit.open Open] a web page
- [funcunit.finding Query] for elements
- [funcunit.actions Simulate] a user action
- [funcunit.waits Wait] for a condition to be true
- [funcunit.getters Get] information about your page and run assertions
Then, you can:
- Run tests in the browser
- [funcunit.integrations Integrate] with browser automation and build tools
The [funcunit.getstarted FuncUnit Getting Started] guide is a quick walkthrough of creating and running a test.
[http://docs.jquery.com/Qunit QUnit] provides the basic structure needed to write unit or functional tests.
[http://docs.jquery.com/QUnit/module#namelifecycle Modules] are groups of tests with setup and teardown methods that run for each test.
module("Contacts", {
// runs before each test
setup: function(){
// setup code
// runs after each test
teardown: function(){
// cleanup code
test("findOne", function(){
// define a test
test("counter", function() {
ok(Conctacts.first().name, "there is a name property");
equal(Contacts.counter(), 5, "there are 5 contacts");
The following uses S.open( URL )
to open autocomplete.html before every test.
setup: function() {
FuncUnit tests are written just like jQuery. The [funcunit.finding S method] is a copy of jQuery, which queries for elements in the application page. Like $, FuncUnit methods are chainable on the results of S.
// grab the #description element, wait for it to be visible, type in it
S("#description").visible().type("Test Framework")
When you're testing a widget, you need to simulate the [funcunit.actions actions] that a user takes. FuncUnit uses the [syn] library to accurately simulate the correct low level events like mouseup and keypress for high level actions like [click] and [type]. The following shows how to simulate common user actions.
// click a button
// type in an input
S('#task_name').type("Learn FuncUnit")
// drag a task item to the trash area
After a user action, your test page's event handlers run and the page is changed. Wait commands are used to wait for some page condition before continuing.
Waits are overloaded jQuery getter methods. S.fn.text( textVal, callback )
waits for an element's $.fn.text to match the textVal.
// wait for result to show "task complete"
S("#result").text("task complete")
// wait for first result to be visible
// after clicking a menu item, wait for its width to be 200px
// wait for the input value
// wait for number of matched elements
There are many more [funcunit.waits waits] possible.
After simulating an action and waiting for the page to change, you often want to get information about an element and run assertions. You can use jQuery getter methods in combination with QUnit assertions.
These methods (which return synchronous results) are used in callbacks that run after a wait method completes.
// wait until we have some results, then call the calback
equal( S('.autocomplete_item').size(), 5, "there are 5 results")
These tests can be loaded in any browser. The app page opens in a separate window and results show up in the QUnit page.
test("JavaScript results",function(){
// wait until we have some results
equal( S('.autocomplete_item').size(), 5, "there are 5 results")
Run this test (turn off your popup blocker!)
The same tests can be run via browser automation tools: [funcunit.selenium Selenium], [funcunit.phantomjs PhantomJS], and [funcunit.envjs Envjs].
These tools are driven via commandline.
js funcunit/run phantomjs path/to/funcunit.html
Results are reported on the commandline. Failed tests can be made to fail your build via [funcunit.maven Maven] or integrated with CI tools like [funcunit.jenkins Jenkins].