Sample Play app integrating some technologies in the attempt to make it more "Rails-like".
The technologies are:
- ActiveRecord (Scala implementation based on Squeryl)
- Flyway
- Cucumber-JVM (through the SBT plugin)
The integration has been done manually, not using plugins (except for the Cucumber-SBT one).
Places to look for in order to understand the integration steps involved:
- Global object
- PlayCucumberSetup
- PlayCucumberEnvironment
- etc.
PhantomJS has to be installed in the system according to its website (executable has to be on the PATH).
The non-test version of the App uses MySql by default. Change the settings in application.conf
In order to run cucumber tests, run "cucumber" in the sbt console.
[play-ala-rails]$ play
[PlayAlaRails] $ cucumber