This is a Perl module and program giving easy access to PushBullet API from Perl.
You need a PushBullet API key. You can get your API key in your PushBullet account settings.
You also need this Perl modules:
Get the latest release of WWW::PushBullet on GitHub.
Extract sources from the file you get:
tar xvfz WWW-PushBullet-<version>.tar.gz
Generate a Makefile:
cd WWW-PushBullet-<version>
perl Makefile.PL
Install the package:
make test
make install
The easiest way to install WWW::PushBullet is CPAN Minus:
cpanm WWW::PushBullet
pushbullet address [ -k <pushbullet_apikey> ] [ -d <device_iden> ]
--name 'address name' --address 'complete address'
pushbullet contacts [ -k <pushbullet_apikey> ]
pushbullet devices [ -k <pushbullet_apikey> ]
pushbullet file [ -k <pushbullet_apikey> ] [ -d <device_iden> ]
--file filename [ --body 'file description' ]
pushbullet link [ -k <pushbullet_apikey> ] [ -d <device_iden> ]
--title 'your title' --url 'http://address'
pushbullet list [ -k <pushbullet_apikey> ] [ -d <device_iden> ]
--title 'your title' --item item1 --item item2 --item item3
pushbullet note [ -k <pushbullet_apikey> ] [ -d <device_iden> ]
--title 'your title' --body 'your body message'
pushbullet sms [ -k <pushbullet_apikey> ] [ -d <device_iden> ]
--mobile '+33 6 xx xx xx xx' --sms 'your sms'
To obtain the complete list of pushbullet command options:
pushbullet --help
You can configure default parameters in a JSON format configuration file:
"default_address":"1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, Etats-Unis",
"default_body":"This is a default title",
"default_title":"This is a default title",
This configuration file is by default ./conf/pushbullet.json but you can also specify another file with the -c/--config option.
If you don't specify device_iden (-d/--device or in configuration file), it will push to all devices of this apikey account.
If you want to compile from source (and contribute ?), you will need:
- cpanminus
- gcc
- git
- libnet-ssleay-perl
- libssl-dev
- openssl
- make
and these Perl modules installed:
- Probe::Perl
- Dist::Zilla
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::RewriteVersion
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckChangeLog
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHub::Meta
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MinimumPerl
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PerlTidy
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Perl::Critic
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Kwalitee::Extra
(all Dist::Zilla::Plugin::* could be installed with dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm
Then you can build and test with DistZilla:
dzil build
dzil test
dzil release
which will create a release in the subfolder WWW-PushBullet-<version>
, that you can then make and install following the standard instructions above.