The Prince lightweight block cipher in Verilog.
Core is functionally completed. Both core and top level provides correct results for all test vectors. The core is lint clean. The core has been implemented in hardware.
Prince is a lightweight, low latency block cipher suitable for Iot and embedded systems. The key is 128 bits and the block size is 64 bits.
The implementation is currently a pipelined designs with three pipeline stages. With a cycle to initalize the state and a cycle for latching the result the latency is five cycles. The design does not use any RAM blocks nor DSPs.
This core is supported by the FuseSoC core package manager and build system. Some quick FuseSoC instructions:
Install FuseSoC
pip install fusesoc
Create and enter a new workspace
mkdir workspace && cd workspace
Register prince as a library in the workspace
fusesoc library add prince /path/to/prince
...if repo is available locally or... get the upstream repo
fusesoc library add prince
Run tb_prince testbench
fusesoc run --target=tb_prince secworks:crypto:prince
Run with modelsim instead of default tool (icarus)
fusesoc run --target=tb_prince --tool=modelsim secworks:crypto:prince
- Device: 5CGXFC7C7F23C8
- Tool version: Intel Quartus Prime 19.1
- ALMs: 993
- Regs: 716
- Fmax: 102 MHz
- Device: xc7a200tsbv484-2
- Tool version: Vivado 2019.2
- LUTs: 1587
- FFs: 646
- Fmax: 150 MHz