This is a full stack javascript project using the MERN stack. It is still in its beginning stages with basic CRUD functions operational.
The project's concept is a schedule app focusing on events that can help people make an impact in society. Events could be volunteer opportunities, ways to get involved proactively in politics, community gatherings etc.
Users would be able to add/edit their own events directly on their 'My Schedule' page, or add events from the 'Find Events' page to their 'My Schedule' page.
3/28/18 - Current State of App:
- Single 'My Schedule' page with ability to create, view, update, and delete events on page
- To Do:
- Add 'Find Events' page & ability to add those events to the user's 'My Schedule' page
- Add users and user authentication
Start Instructions:
Clone/download project files
In your terminal, cd into project and run the following commands:
npm install
will install depedenciesNote for OSX users: if you run into errors dealing with the
package you may need to run the commandsudo xcodebuild -license
to agree to a XCode license -
npm run start-dev
will start up both the React App and the API