The Japan Footprint Dataset comprises approximately 50 million building footprints located within Japan extracted from Mapbox satellite imagery(0.6m resolution) through the utilization of a super-resolution-based instance segmentation method. Extracted models and training details can be found in this paper.
For ease of extraction, the whole of Japan is divided into 4424 10km by 10km grids, and a geojson file exists for each region containing buildings. The number of each folder corresponds to the Japanese secondary standard mesh.
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Shenglong Chen - chen-sl[at]
title={Large-scale individual building extraction from open-source satellite imagery via super-resolution-based instance segmentation approach},
author={Chen, Shenglong and Ogawa, Yoshiki and Zhao, Chenbo and Sekimoto, Yoshihide},
journal={ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing},