A crusty currency converter
$ moneyman convert 50 --from EUR --to PHP --on 2023-05-06 --fallback
50 EUR -> 3044.5833333333350 PHP on the date 2023-05-06
is also available as a library.
use std::path::PathBuf;
use chrono::NaiveDate;
use rust_decimal_macros::dec;
use rusty_money::{iso, Money};
fn main() {
// Choose where to save the historical data files.
let data_dir: PathBuf = dirs::home_dir()
.and_then(|home_dir| Some(home_dir.join(".moneyman")))
.expect("need a home directory");
// Fetches the historical data from European Central Bank, and creates an
// exchange store.
let store = moneyman_core::ExchangeStore::sync(data_dir).expect("failed ze sync");
let amount_in_usd = Money::from_decimal(dec!(6500), iso::USD);
let date = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2023, 5, 4).expect("ok date");
// Converts 6,500.00 USD to EUR
let actual = store.convert_on_date(amount_in_usd, iso::EUR, date);
let expected = Money::from_decimal(dec!(5869.6044789597254831135994221), iso::EUR);
// Shouldn't explode? :)
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
extends on rusty-money
as it already provides a lot of the things like
, Currency
, ExchangeRate
, and Exchange
. However, it does not
provide any data to actually convert currency. For historical data, moneyman
uses the European Central Bank, and saves its data to its own local data store.
One important thing to know is that ANY_OTHER_CURRENCY
-> EUR is computed with
since ECB only contains the
rates, not vice versa. This [dividing] is most
probably not the behavior observed by RealWordâ„¢ currency exchanges. So this
only serves as an approximation at best.